Has anybody tried the above?
John C
Has anybody tried the above?
John C
Hi stockman27. I am on ashwagandha.
I'm looking into getting some ashwagandha too HASHISmom34, can you feel it is doing you some good ?
yes i just wish i tried sooner. my brother told me a long time ago to try it but i didn't listen. 3 months on it and i love it! GAIA herbs are quality. Pure herbs and certified organic, ecologically harvested. Take one once or twice daily. ASwagandha root. These adaptogen herbs are truly amazing and build up in your system over time with many benefits including adrenal support. Do some research if you can, but check out this brand. Very good quality.
Does it help strengthen muscles ? as both hubby and I have lost muscle strength. Some called it the 'stallion' herb, for strength.
Yes we listen to others good advice, but sometimes it takes a while for the penny to drop.
How much do you pay and is it UK bought ?
which shwagandha brand are you using ? can you send me a link please? and when do you take it i mean moring , afternoon or night time?
I take Gaia herbs because it is ecologically harvested and certified organic herb farm. They are one of the best in the states. I love it and had nothing but luck with theirs. Totally mellows me out and helped with my stress level and my adrenals. You can take 1 twice daily with breakfast and dinner but I only take one. I wanted to see how i reacted in the beginning so did one every morning upon waking. That was enough so i never increased but i did move it to the evening instead as i think after being on it for a few months it was making me a bit tired once i was leveled out so i think moving it from early morning to evening helps me to sleep.
I have tried it, unfortunately did nothing for me! Bearing in mind we're all different good luck if you decide to try
Hi Stockman27, Yes both my husband and I have tried Ashwagandha and found it extremely helpful. For me it helped to bring down the high cortisol levels caused by stress, and also my high blood pressure. After a few months of this I then began to feel very tired all day and I have found reports from other people to say this. So I have now stopped taking it myself but will bear it in mind if our terrible neighbour problems begin again. My husband finds that Ashwagandha calms him down when the stresses increase his anxiety, and has nor found any problems so far.
Kathleen1, Vitamin B3 Niacin helps adrenals, hormone levels, stress, anxiety, depression etc.,
Yes, we take full dosages of all vitamins. Thank you.
It made me feel tired too, after only a few weeks.
I took ashwagandha for a few months when I was getting dental work done and it really helped with my anxiety. Then some time later I tried to start it again but the first dose made me violently sick. I left it then for a while but tried again only a few weeks ago - violently sick again. I don't understand it but that's what happened. My body totally rejects it now.