Hashi's, Omeprazole and serious allergic reaction. - Thyroid UK

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Hashi's, Omeprazole and serious allergic reaction.

DaizeeFoo profile image
9 Replies

2 weeks ago I had terrible chest pain in bed. Next day I still didn't feel right so went to A&E to get checked out. ECG, bloods, x-ray all fine. Diagnosed GERD and prescribed the dreaded Omeprazole.

I took it for just under 2 weeks and on Friday had a terrible allergic rash with welts and hives everywhere. Had swelling lips and decided to go to A&E. IV Prednisone and Piriton. Sent home with steroid tablets and told come back if no better.

As it happened I had an appointment with my GP already booked yesterday, so went and told her what was going on. New Dr Who didn't seem to interested in anything except prescribing more Omeprazole.

Last night the hives and itching were horrendous. I was up most of the night scratching.

This morning, back I trotted to A&E as they had told me. They took bloods and vitals and didn't do anything else. They slightly increased my steroids for 3 days and told me to stop taking the Omeprazole as it is the newest tablet I was taking.

Has anyone else had an allergic reaction to Omeprazole? Or heard of it happening?

Currently sitting here a bit itchy but less than yesterday.

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9 Replies

I take omeprazole I get that reaction it's normal cuz I taken a indigestion

Heloise profile image

Hi Daizee, have you heard that when people are prescribed acid reducers they are actually low in acid? You need enough acid to demineralize iron and minerals. I see you are also deficient in iron. Do you think it may be due to low acid? It's also hard to metabolize amino acids without enough stomach acid. You could take apple cider vinegar with meals to assist digestion. Later you could take DGL which is licorice which helps protect the stomach lining which is probably the cause of your low acid.

Redditch profile image

I've had all those symptoms without that diagnosis or drug.

The chest pain can be thyroid, the hives and welts can be autoimmune.

I would go back to GP and ask for Adrenal testing, and an ANA blood test.

Your body is clearly distressed at present. Try to relax, drink lots of water, cut out any possible stimulants like caffeine, gluten, dairy, try to calm it down, that would help GERD too, but you might not have it, do you feel it's the right diagnosis?

I would certainly want my adrenals checked.

Good luck.

greygoose profile image

Doctors prescribe PPIs as a knee-jerk reaction, the minute someone mentions stomach problems, without bothering to ascertain whether or not you actually have high stomach acid. As you are hypo, you more than likely have low stomach acid. But, the symptoms are the same.

As Heloise says, you would probably be better off taking apple cider vinager in water, with honey, before meals, rather than omeprazole. Try it, and see how you feel. And, then, get your vit D, vit B12, folate and ferritin tested, because they will probably be low. :)

Katka profile image

Apparently those with hashimoto's have low stomach acid even though it manifests as having "acid reflux" and so taking omeprazole makes the situation worse.

Alexa5000 profile image

Hi, that sounds awful. I was diagnosed with GERD a few years ago, following a gastroscopy and was prescribed Omeprazole. I hated it and it hated me! I didnt have quite the reaction you have but felt sick, dizzy and disorientated on it. Eventually my GP put me on a high dose of Ranitidine ( 300mg per day). It is a far more benign medicine than Omeprazole and more easily tolerated by the body.It was the drug of choice for Gerd for GPs before Omeprazole came on the market and tends to get overlooked. I did 100% better on Ranitidine, so you might consider it.I have taken it for around 4 years with no ill effect and am now clear of the lesions and scarring that the excess acid caused

Interestingly a friend who works in a very busy stressful job told me that at least half her work colleagues had been prescribed Omeprazole for GERD ! My personal theory is that many of us spend too much time bent over computers! ( self included)

Good luck!

MrsRaven profile image

I had acid reflux badly as a result of anti-inflammatories. I developed a gastric ulcer and couldnt eat for ages. I was so ill I was almost hospitalised and was in agony. My GP put me on lanzoprazole, and I stuck to a strict diet, for about two months. It was much improved. Then I went onto ranitidine, was on it for many years, but I have stopped that now. I occasionally get acid indigestion, which I find a glass of milk will sort out. Also find medicinal charcoal good, which my old GP also prescribed.

I try to avoid taking indigestion remedies because if it interfering with my thyroid meds.

DaizeeFoo profile image

Thank you all for your great replies. I am aware from this site that it's low stomach acid so will try the suggestions of apple cider vinegar. Thank you.

I have recently had bronchitis which lasted over a month, so recent thyroid bloods are due to be taken soon but I don't have current numbers for bloods which I know helps with answers. My anaemia was from monthly bleeding.

I can report I had a peaceful nights sleep and the itching seems, at this time, to have all but gone. I do not like steroids but it may be useful to clear my system of inflammation at this point.

So, thus far all seems to point to an allergy to Omeprazole. The GERD isn't really very bad at all so hopefully I can clear this out and bring my stomach acid up naturally.

I also am aware hive flare ups can be a thyroid thing but I have not had anything happen like that since I got anaphylaxis to penicillin about 10 years ago.

Thank you all for your kind and useful replies. I will keep you informed at how I get on.

Scouser58 profile image

Hello DaizeeFoo, my gp wanted me to take double the dose of omeprazole, and I said no, still taking it from 2011,,,,she seemed puzzled and I told her about the warning I read about taking it,,,,,I am wondering if I should stop taking it,,just to see what happens, as I no longer have the gall bladder trouble,,,gall bladder removed,,,,,it seems to be the new ,,give it to everybody tablet,,,,,if all the hives and itching go away then it is conclusive it was the omeprazole,,,,,they are thinking of stomach and intestinal things,,,,,I always read the insert leaflet,,to see what the manufacturers have watched for,,, I go to a site called MediGuard which when input all your medications,,,,it gives information on interactions and any warnings, with regard to your medications and their interactions between them,,,,,see if this helps you,,,,,ttfn from Karen.

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