Hi Folks,
I'm not much of a blogger or a poster, but had to put this out there for others to receive help as well. I have an autoimmune condition called exfoliative keratolysis that effects my hands and feet. There is no cure (Air filled blisters form then my fingers and palms peel off, exposing tender skin, very painful) I read the book Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis, cardiologist. I got off of all wheat products and in one month I lost 2 inches off my waist line, my inflamed joints subsided, and my hand/skin condition has completely cleared up! I've had this for 30+ years!! My pre-diabetic/High BP husband lost 18lb so far!! I highly recommend this book! NOTE- if you are diabetic and insulin-dependent, you will need to be monitored by a physician because losing wheat will drastically reduce your need for insulin. Have a great day all