Over the years the food industry suffered financially if a crop of wheat failed - either due to weather or pests. As a result they have altered the wheat ( not quite GM ) until it is no longer recognised by our guts/immune systems. It has been hybridised in order to prevent any loss of crops - and of course money ! The wheat eaten today is NOT the wheat eaten by our parents and grandparents - and for some of us not the wheat we ate as young people !
This has created a worldwide problem with allergies to wheat/gluten, The coeliac tests in the UK/Europe are far from adequate and people often have a negative result. When in fact they do have a problem. Again the Medical profession only recognises extremes - rather than the varying shades of grey.....
This could well be causing the worldwide epidemic of Auto-immune Diseases - as we are aware that gut inflammation leads to an immune response which can be the precursor to other chronic conditions within the body. Hashimotos Thyroiditis is the most common form of thyroid illness throughout the world and is an Auto-immune condition.
Calming inflammation in the gut is so very important for our well being - and not just the thyroid - fibromyalgia - rheumatoid arthritis - lupus and other immune responses - but also for our brains. Alzheimers and Dementia have their root causes in inflammation as well. People with auto-immune illness have higher risks to the aforementioned.
Time for Action - ! I am reading the book by Datis Kharrazian - Why isn't My Brain Working ? - which is full of amazing information and from where some of the above points were gleaned. It should also have a second title - Why isn't My Gut Working ? ! We are aware of the gut/brain connection - and there is lots to learn. Tips about activating the Vagus nerve and so on ! He is of the opinion when we start to forget where the car keys are - it is time to start nourishing the brain - and not wait until we do not recognise people ! He blames conventional medicine for not recognising early symptoms of brain de-generation. His explanations make good reading - and as usual there is information overload - so just take it slowly
I have Hashimotos - Crohns - and FM - so I am on the case ! - now where did I put my car keys !......