Hi I'm new to this site, on 150ml leveroixine and still have symptoms. Would be really in resented to know how I transition to t3, how I go about it, and where the best place to get tests, get a doctor who understands? Many thanks
T3 and t4: Hi I'm new to this site, on 150ml... - Thyroid UK
T3 and t4

I meant interested!

Carrielaz The best test is probably one of the Blue Horizon ones. Go to Thyroid UK's testing page and if you want to do a fingerprick test at home click on the first option 'postal kits sent nationwide' thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/testin... .The Thyroid Plus 10 is popular and if you want Vit D as well go for Thyroid Plus Eleven.
If you email louise.warvill@thyroiduk.org.uk she will send you a list of the more thyroid friendly doctors.
You really need your test results to see where all your levels lie before members can help about T3.
Put your results in a new post for members to comment .
Hi Carrie, did you arrive at deciding on T3 after lots of considerations or are you just feeling ill enough to try anything. If you can get the tests Susie recommends, it would be a huge advantage to see why 150 T4 is not working for you. It's usually a sufficient dose IF your cofactors like ferritin and cortisol are adequate. If you are in a pinch, however, many of us have either added T3 to our T4 or acquired NDT which contains T4, T3, T2, T1 and calcitonin. Some have made the transition to straight T3. You can use some calculations which won't shock your body although I feel T3 was easily tolerated rather quickly. T4 has a half life of about two weeks and T3 has a half life of about one day so you can see the difference in how they work. Many of us have done it with or without GPs. You should educate yourself though to see what you are up against but you can do it because you know your body better than anyone else.
This functional medicine chiropractor explains many of the symptoms. You can go to You Tube to see more of his videos which are short but very explanatory.
When I first joined this forum around 4 years ago - requests for T3 were not so common as they are now. Also - of late - I have noticed people have reported back that they are having problems with either going T3 only or adding T3 to their T4.
I think the problem could lie with the points raised above by others. You really need to have all the building blocks in place before any thyroid hormone works well. Good levels of Ferritin - Folate - B12 - VitD and so on.
It also takes time finding the correct dosage. You didn't say how long you have been on T4 - or whether or not you have Hashimotos.
Thank you so much for your reply. I've been in leveroxine for 6 years, I am very interested in getting proper testing done as I never looked into it in depth and like you say , be very interested to see how my body is functioning as a whole. Thank you for sharing your knowledge
Do you have any copies of your most recent thyroid bloodtest results with ranges ? Maybe someone here could spot something that will help
Thank you so much Marz, I've only ever had the normal checks by the GP, so I'm going to get a test from blue horizon. Do you happen to know if I have to come off leveroxine and / or vitamin supplements before I do a test to get an accurate reading? Many thanks Carrie
Whatever the 'normal ' checks were - you still need the copies so you can monitor your OWN health. It is routinely suggested here that you do not take your Levo for 24 hours before testing - take it immediately afterwards. Most tests are fasting tests so only drink water. If you are supplementing B12 then the test result will be skewed as the supplements artificially raise the amount in the blood. I would check with Blue Horizon about vitamins and abstaining ......
hi carrielaz... i too am desperately looking for help with T3..my bloods all say i am level, on 175 of levothyroxine and am iller than ever...my specialist is not listening and after reading many blogs and websites, especially 'stop the thyroid madness' site,i too feel i need T3.... have you been taking your temps?,... i have, and mine are way too low, between 35 and 36degrees C.... should be 37-38... good luck on your journey... i think we are in for a long one!

martine1234 - Do you have your latest blood test results with ranges ? Perhaps someone could help you with your levels of TSH - FT4 and FT3. Have you had your thyroid anti-bodies tested ?
Happy to help

martine, often in this situation people reduce the levo dose. Your T4 is probably not being utilized and causing these side issues. You may need to start on iron supplements, B12 and folate. Are you having sleep issues? Cortisol is the other difficulty with interacting with T4. Cortisol if too high which comes from stress which may be based in gluten causes receptors to be blocked. This stops the action of T3 so switching to T3 although it may help will not resolve the situation. You can shorten that journey by taking some action even if your doctor won't. I agree STTM is a great source and there are some wonderful people on You Tube and you will see just how much your adrenal glands are involved as well. Best Wishes!
thankyou for reply.. yes i am so stressed, have been for months.. my partner had a massive stroke a year ago, then i started the gym to destress but over did it in the beginning... i do believe stress is playing a massive part. i asked for my cortisol to be checked ...doc said it was ok, but i thought we had to do a spit test several times a day?
i dont sleep well and wake up exhausted and swollen... my fingers and my eyes especially... i just feel i am going mad... i waited 3 months to see an endo and he was a waste of time... didnt test my T3... apparently we can get a thyroid function test? can we get it on NHS? i am not very well off.... if i was i would go private for sure, its not fair.....have just started taking selenium.... my hair is going so thin...