Hi all,
I have recently gained access to my test results record via our surgery online access, including Thyroid tests which began in September 2003. It appears that only Serum TSH were carried out. However my recent test also included a Free T4 result. Have posted results at bottom.
Is it fair to say that these results really don't give anyone any real information about my Thyroid over the years other than a number within a range? Was it reasonable for the Dr's to claim everything was 'normal' if they had no other results like T3 and T4?
Secondly, is NHS testing vastly different to any private testing done?
This may sound like one of those 'duh' moments and clearly a single TSH result is not enough! But what are the general differences - is it simply a question of money/time/lab staff/time within NHS budgets/constraints?
Lastly, should/do Dr's take notice if you present a private test that screams 'Underactive Thyroid' and take steps to refer you to an Endocrinologist specialist?
Oh, and can anyone recommend a good specialist or Endo team in Cumbria/Lancs/Northumberland area please? Or further afield, say Glasgow/Edinburgh or Manchester way?
Thanks very much!
THYROID TESTS DONE -RESULTS BELOW ( based on normal range 0.3-4.5 mu/L)
Sep 03 1.42
June 04 1.69
Nov 04 2.0
Feb 06 1.84
Mar 09 1.96
Jul 13 2.89
May 14 2.3
June 16 2.69 & Free T4 13.6 pmo/L (range 11-22 pmol/L