I have hashimotos, raynaud's and am waiting to see if I have coeliac diagnosis too. I don't know if this is related, but for the last 3 years (since pretty much my hypothyroidism started) my palms and soles of my feet would peel - like I had had sunburn and the whole top layer was peeling off. It would mainly be in winter when it's cold, but since my diagnosis and levo treatment started, it's come back with a vengeance and is now all over both my hands, fingers and wrists. My feet peels on the heels but also on the soles, again like sunburn, whole layers come off. Moisturizing helps for a few hours but every morning its slightly worse.
I know this isn't a big problem, especially considering all the other symptoms we have to deal with, but it's the only one that has got worse not better since levo kicked in. Does anyone else have this and know what can help?