Hi! Pleased to meet you all. There are quite a few things I have experienced that could have caused my A.I.H. Of the Liver.
The thing is I keeped going to the G.P saying I am so tired all the time. Oh! It is the tablets I was told. I just got worse as I could never get an appointment to see anyone.
In the end I insisted and when the blood test came back I was called in to see the Doctor with my results. A raging temperature only a quarter of my liver active. Given 3 lots of antibiotics to get my temperature down.
I was given 50mg of steroids for months and now on 5mg.The side effects of the steroids was something else. But my liver is now O.K. But I am still soooo tired.
The specialist suspected my thyrode activity at the beginning, so
now we are investigating my thyroid and why my antibodies turned against me. I was on 175mg now on 200mg. Getting better slowly I hope. It is good to know people care. I will go on trying my best and be positive. Knowing what is going on helps.
There is help out there with determination to help us, so that is why I am now thinking positive.
Thank you, Anne