OK I am on Levo and T3 as I have no thryoid now 10 yrs removed. I saw one of the endo team in August who paniced as my T3 was a bit high and cut the dose for 4 weeks then more bloods. Now I cant get a call back from her at the hospital to see what the latest tests are.
I have as you would all expect gone down hill rapidly in a month to what I was 2 yrs ago. What gets me is I am a carer and PA as my job so if drs dont look after me I cant look after my clients. I did politly tell the drs secretary this and that I would self medicate in line with The Profs guidance ( lady drs boss). still no call and I am holding off self meds abit longer.
What worries me is so many of us need T3 as The Prof told me "your body cant convert T4 into T3" so no amount of Levo is going to change that.
At least this lady dr is also behind on tell my dr to change my prescription which I have to get from a chemist 10 miles away. so until they do I wil keep getting my old dose each month.
But what is going to happen if no drs or endo give T3 ? if we all go buying elsewhere is that not playing into their ie nhs hands?