I'm sorry for him but also disappointed for myself because I was due to see him in a couple of days :o(. I first posted here about a month ago saying that I had just been diagnosed as subclinical hypo by my Endo - (TSH 3.15 / FREE T3 4.1 pmol/L (3.9 - 6.7)
/ : FREE T4 13.4 pmol/L (12 - 22) and he suggested starting on 50mcg Levo.
Approx 2 weeks ago I went ahead and ordered .25 grain WP and have received it now but was holding off starting because I figured it makes sense to see what Dr. P says especially about Adrenals. I had the saliva test 12 months ago via Genova Labs and it came back bang in the normal range. I have also done just once the the blood pressure test (sit down/stand up etc) and it does not suggest an adrenal problem.
I have been faithfully keeping a temps log every day and; (i) basal temp average 36.4C
(ii) morning ave (excluding basal) 35.4 (iii) afternoon/evening ave 36.3
The morning temps look a bit low which is no surprise because I always like cold crap at that time !
My guess is that the adrenals are fine.
I wanted to see Dr. P for the peace of mind, can anyone recommend A.N. Other who has experience with guiding NDT usage ? Or should I go ahead and start on the WP ? If so then start with 0.5 grain split over 2 doses or 0.75 grain split (bearing in mind Endo suggested starting on 50mcg Levo) ?
What does the venerable committee think ?
Thanks in advance !