hi needing a hand to hold got bloods done yest scared as I have an abcess on tooth . Started antibiotics yest . Worried as my ferriton is only 14 waiting on bloods coming back . Started heavy period this morning im so afraid crying and so depressed please help with kind words no negative please x
Support: hi needing a hand to hold got bloods... - Thyroid UK

Am rubbish at kind words and hand holding, but can assure you it does get better. Have been there with around 30 tooth abcesses and it makes you feel awful for weeks before you actually realise what is causing the problem. The antibiotics will help loads, it just takes a couple of days. I always keep some in hand, so if i get an abscess i can blitz it even before i make a dental appointment.
Have also done the heavy bleeding and opted for a hysterectomy. I found out years later that this could maybe have been avoided if i had increased my thyroid meds as heavy bleeding is one of the symptoms of low thyroid hormone levels.
Any idea of your levels of tsh, free t4 and free t3?
Once this abscess is sorted, the whole world will be brighter, I've massively helped my whole mouth, not by flossing, or tepe brushes, which i absolutely hate, but by buying and using a water pik. After i have cleaned my teeth i clean them with the pic and am amazed at the debris which comes out. Here's a link....boots.com/en/Waterpik-Ultra...
The ferritin is low, that needs boosting and if you cant face iron tablets, at least get some sachets of apple flavored spa tone...... tesco, boots, amazon, ebay.... All do them. Takes a while but it does work.....
hope my practical suggestions have been as good as a hand hold...... Take a couple of days off of everything, you cant be expected to concentrate......
Hope it all works out well
Xx G
Thank u so much yes but of s mixture of everything it's tough with all going on at once I'll be ok ? It's inly2 nd day of antibiotics hpefully theyl start working . It's very painful xx
Is this the first abscess you have had? I have had some horrid ones, the worst was over three teeth, when i'd just spent £6,000, getting new crowns, replacing amalgum fillings and some work on my gums....
Yep i agree the pain is pretty indescribable... Whatever you do, dont sneeze and clamp your teeth together... It really hurts. If you have done two days of antibiotics, you should feel a lot better by Friday.
In fact, by the time you go back to the dentist, you will be wondering if its worth going at all... ( it is)... You'll need a root filling else it will flare up again. There are lots of scare stories about root fillings, You wont feel it as you will be well frozen, and the worst bit about it is that your jaw can ache from sitting with your mouth open...... ( I never relax and fight the whole time).
Get yourself a good dentist who you trust to do the root work... Generally these days i get referred to an endodontist because they specialise. They often take xrays whilst they are working on the tooth, so they can see that they are removing all the infected parts. I have only ever lost one tooth because of an abscess and that was because it had been infected several times.
I used to be prescribed co proximal painkillers, which were opiate based. They are now unlicensed so you are given co codamol instead. Personally i find gin is a better alternative... It doesnt relieve the pain, but i get too drunk to care....
I've been known to get one lot of antibiotics prescribed by the dentist, then i have gone to the doc who has also prescribed... So this is how i built up a spare weeks worth of reserve tablets.
hope ita all settling down for you. You really do have my sympathy, its rubbish.
Xx. G.
I too used to get dreadful abscesses and have every sympathy. Just hope your antibiotics work for you, and soon. The only thing I know that works for the pain is sitting very still. I was in excruciating pain once and had to wait ages in the dentists waiting room. I would normally read, but the pain was too bad, so I just sat there ... and by the time I saw the dentist the pain had eased! She told me it was as a result of just sitting still doing nothing. So maybe try some deep breathing and mindfulness meditation.
And clove oil of course.
I would definitely not recommend a root canal filling if you're prone to infections. Much better to have the tooth out if that's necessary (don't think I'd have had any left if I'd had mine out each time though). They can't be filled properly and will store up more problems (and bone loss) later.
Water pik is a good idea, as are blotting brushes. They're the dental equivalent of NDT!
I'm not surprised you're crying and depressed at the moment, but you will get through this awful pain then you can concentrate on getting your iron levels up. Easier said than done, but if you can focus on feeling well and pain-free it will help. Good luck and feel better very soon.