My 10 year old daughter has just been through a series of tests which I think are now saying she has hypothyroidism. No-one has actually said Hashimoto's but from my research I am thinking this is the probable diagnosis. She has been suffering with lower abdominal pain on and off for 4 years but in recent months this has ramped up and she is now experiencing this every day, which prompted the testing. Her TFT was 7.0, T4 is 11.8 and her antibodies are over 600. She has just started on 50mcg of levothyroxine and this was has been told she is vitamin d defecient and is about to stat on an 8 week course of vitamin d supplemens. To add to this she has already well through puberty and started her periods before Christmas, she is on the edge for the definition of precocious puberty. In all other things she doesnt fit the 'norm' for childhood hypothyroidism, she is tall for her age, is doing extremely well at school and is ahead of where she should be for her age developmentally.
I suppose my question is what can I expect over the next few months and does anyone have experience of helping a child through this diagnosis. I know we still have more tests to go through, as we dont know yet why she has the abdominal pain - is it related to the thyroid or not???? And she has blood and protein in her urine which is also being investigated and we are waiting for results on that. The docs understandably dont want to to do too much until we can see what effet the other 2 treatments might have but as I a parent want to know the answers asap! Any advice greatly received.