Hi I started on extra 25 mg almost 2 weeks ago I was on 50 so now on 75 as tsh was 19 . Very anxious last couple of days I don't know if it's just anxiety or my thyroid playing up Iv alot of stress in my life at min a big event coming up im worried about attending so want to be well not like this . It's too soon to get rechecked as its only been 2 weeks have been feeling ok so don't know why I feel crap again xx
Help and support : Hi I started on extra 25 mg... - Thyroid UK
Help and support
Hi Andypandy30
Have you only recently been started on levothyroxine? 25mcg is a very low starting dose and it is usually 50mcg and after six weeks increments of 25mcg every six weeks till you feel much better. It is a slow process. So far you've jumped to 75mcg quite quickly but when you feel symptoms returning it's time for another blood test and increase.
We can go through many emotions when first taking thyroid hormones. Lots of people have anxious feelings, as well as other horrible symptoms but they should fade away when on an optimum of meds. Unfortunately on-one knows what optimum is until the patient feels well for a good period of time and maybe only need a yearly blood test.
I hope you reach the plateau soon.
Hi shAws always helpful . No have been hypothyroid since my daughter was born ten years ago . Always on 100 mcg got chekd 6mthly always ok . Until feb last year had a thyroid crises \storm went very overactive had to be reduced to 50 mcg felt ok for a while then it's been fluctuating since usually tsh . Was talkin to u about this prior to upping to 75 as tsh was 19 . That was 2 weeks ago how soon would I know if it's at a comfortable level . I have had episodes of depression and anxiety since last feb . Went thru a tough time personally then the thyroid not stabilising has been distressing so I don't know wats way now if it's just general anxiety or my thyroid again xx
... [ .. Thyroid hormones (THs) are involved in the occurrence of anxiety and affective disorders; ... ] ...
Diazepam affects thyroid function (on rats ) .
A TSH of 19.0 is much too high and could make you feel immensely anxious but a period of 6 weeks is needed before testing as a dose raise in T4 can take up to 6 weeks to saturate every cell.
You have posted several times about anxiety and depression.
Optimal thyroid hormone replacement and also optimal nutrients & iron, and good adrenal health will balance hormones and make you feel better.
Have you had Vit B12, Vit D, folate and ferritin tested by your GP ?
Deficiencies in these essential nutrients are common in hypothyroidism and are essential in good thyroid hormone synthesis.
Post ANY test results complete with ranges ( numbers in brackets) for members to comment.
I hope you feel better soon,
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.
Thank u flower is it bad that I keep reposting about same symptoms . I'm on an antidepressant sertraline 75 mg propanolol 10 mg and diazepam in extreme circumstances . 2 mg . I have little support this board helps me immensely . And I appreciate all advice given .i just don't understand the fluctuations all the time . And know wen I feel not right . So I wait 6 weeks then . For retest . I cud also be perimenopausal cud that affect thyroid levels in past year im 44 . Doc wudnt test for vit d said I had to get it done privately . Haven't got results at hand but do know my ferriton was 20 and range started at 15 my haemoglobin was 14 so they said I diddnt need iron . But if iron stores are low I think I do I have hair loss and chest pain at times also I have ferrous fumrate at home maybe I shd start them x
Of course it is NOT bad to keep reposting. It just means it is a recurrent problem that needs addressing. I was bringing it to not only your attention but also members, in the hope that someone could provide an answer.
You sound undermedicated and low iron and nutritients will further exacerbate the problem.
Post all results complete with ranges ( numbers in brackets) for members to comment.
I hope you feel a little better soon,
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.
I will thank u flower .im even annoying myself being ok one min and not the next I know we all have bad days but I do feel I need to keep an eye on results . I will try the iron as I feel if my stores are low then I am bound to feel under par . Docs don't know everything and I certainly bknow my own body . And when I don't feel right . I appreciate you mentioned I had posted the same thing before as I do want the advise and to resolve it xx
Anxiety is a classic symptom of low thyroid hormones and poor adrenal health.
Excellent advice given in link below but be cautious if taking adaptogens as some are powerful.
Thanks so much flower I wanted to tell u I just got ferriton results last ones were 20 now at 14 range starts at 15 . Doc says its satisfactory but it's obviously low why do they not recommend supplementing if hb is ok but ferriton is not x