How pharma greed is killing tens of thousands... - Thyroid UK
How pharma greed is killing tens of thousands...

Oh dont get me started on the pharmaceutical companies,,,we all have a price on our head as far as they are concerned ...They dont want us to get better there is no profit in it
I have a serious lung condition ive been offered a place on the lung transplant list and the last few months ive eaten a high alkaline diet and my health has improved so much that my last visit to my consultant left her shocked.
Here in wales we have no access to a nutritionists on the NHS which i think says a lot ...We can see a dietitian which is based in the hospital and she didnt even know what gluten is !!!
The doctors are as bad taking the incentive my gp wanted me on statins
My cholesterol level was 3.4
O I think by the amount off dope I take I, my maby worth a pound or to to him
I think he may be in cahoots with the reumi
Nothing we couldn't have told them. We've all been saying similar things for years. So many 'discoveries' being made these days that the man in the street has known for years. Sad really.
Now all sing up so I can hear you over here
Great post/article from the Daily Mail - thanks. All things we have discussed over time here on the forum - with more added.....
This is the link that should have happened - cannot think what went wrong