I've been prescribed a short course 3-4 days of 30 mg a day for a chest infection.
I'm a bit on the weak side after 2 months of hacking.
It's worked wonders but I wondered if anyone has experienced a short course, any impact on thyroxine, or if they were extra tired the week after the course?
I've got mixed opinions from Google regarding impact on thyroxine - possibly better than if you had a healthy thyroid as it can affect Tsh. Other sources seemed to think it impacted conversion.
But it's only 3 days, it's more if the actual steroids might cause a weak week (!) after finishing the course. Impacts on work and my back.
I had an Addison test last year and as my cortisol response was great and I created lots of cortisol, I did notice the difference afterwards (weaker arms and legs) but other things were going on then.
so just feeling a bit apprehensive and wondering if wise to take another week off work.