For whatever reason my Gp told me to cut my thyroxine down to 100mg per day (instead of taking 125mg). Some months later I was experiencing pains in random areas, no energy and poor memory etc and as a consequence of a full body examination my Gp thought I was having my first flare up of fibromyalgia. When the blood tests were viewed, my Gp then realised through the results of various blood tests being taken that my thyroxine level was too low and told me to take 125mg. I had been without the 25mg for around 6 months. I've since moved to another area and have another Gp who has ordered blood tests for next week. My questions to my fellow hypothyroid sufferers are A) do you think that the pains and poor memory could possibly be down to a depletion of thyroxine due to the 6 months depletion of taking levothyroxine? B) what are other symptoms of thyroxine depletion? Thank you in advance for any advice and happy new year, Mandy
Thyroxine depletion : For whatever reason my Gp... - Thyroid UK
Thyroxine depletion

YES is my answer. The medical profession appear unaware how to treat patients with hypothyroidism as they mistakenly believe that a low or suppressed TSH will cause more problems. Some of us need a very low or suppressed TSH to feel well.
When doctors only take account of the TSH level and adjust the medication to try to keep the TSH 'in range' actually contributes to the patients' worsening symptoms or causing new ones, i.e. when their hormones are usually reduced thus exacerbating and causing clinical symptoms. Doctors also are seemingly unaware that the TSH changes throughout the day. Excerpt from
"Recent research has shown that there is a diurnal (daily) variation in TSH production with a peak during the night, declining to half of this during the afternoon. A further result of recent work has suggested that the tests should be undertaken in the morning and that the previous upper limit of normality was too high.
Authorities in USA now suggest that 2.7mU/L should be the cut-off point and treatment should be offered above this.
In this country recent suggestions, sadly approved by the British Thyroid Foundation and certain senior endocrinologists, have placed the cut-off point now at 10mU/L, well above previous levels of 4 or 5mU/L, which were far too high anyway.
The thinking behind these proposed guidelines is beyond rational explanation; and the amount of illness and suffering which will result is heartbreaking"
All of us have to have sufficient thyroid hormone replacements to alleviate all clinical symptoms but just reading the accounts of members on this forum many never reach this plateau and I think it's usually because they are restricted or not offered an alternative. Dr Skinner (RIP) believed that as well and said the situation was Parlous for many, i.e. either remaining undiagnosed or restricted in their prescription.
Thank you so very much for your response which is gratefully received. I will post the results of my next thyroid test.
Just a reminder - blood tests should be at the earliest possible, fast although you can drink water, and leave about 24 hours since your last dose of levo and the test and take levo afterwards.
Thank you, it's interesting that I haven't been told to fast before my thyroid blood test before. It may be that my previous GPs didn't know enough about hypothyroidism unlike an endocrinologist. Happy new year
No doctors know enough about thyroid. They just Don't do it in med school. We always have to be very vigilant, and make sure we know more about our disease than they do, or they will keep us sick.
That's interesting because keeping us sick (to line the pockets of the drugs companies and so on) indeed points to advocating keeping us that way. You are correct that we have to learn as much as we can about our illness because we live in our bodies and we know how we feel day to day. Happy new year and thank you for your response