I have been diagnosed with an over active thyroid by my GP last week and she has put me on 20mg of Carbimazole. I am very worried about taking it as I have read horror stories about serious weight gain. Has anyone experienced this? Or does it depend on the individual? Thanks and look forward to hearing back
Hi guys I've just joined and need some advice.... - Thyroid UK
Hi guys I've just joined and need some advice....

Hi and wellcome to the forum. I am under active and heard it's easier to treat. I put on weight when was low and started to lose weight slowly when on treatment. Still on treatment and will be for life. But everyone is different you may have lost weight being hyper thyroid. So the tabs will prob just even things out
Hi, I have an overactive thyroid too, caused by graves. I am on ptu (had hives on carbimazole hence the different drug). I too was worried about serious weight gain but it hasn't happened to me! I lost about half to three quarter of stone before treatment (and I felt skinny as I was slim enough) but once on tablets I put it back on and perhaps a teeny, tiny bit more initially as I went underactive at the start of my treatment. But within no time at all was back at usual weight. I've been on treatment for a year now and weight gain has not been an issue at all for me.