Buying T3 from a professional body builder.... - Thyroid UK

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Buying T3 from a professional body builder....

sa1234 profile image
47 Replies

I was talking to a professional trainer about losing stubborn belly fat and he told me that he used T3 to rip his body.

I asked him if it's the same T3 (Liothyronine sodium) which is given to hypothyroid patients and he said Yes!

I am thinking about buying T3 from him because I know that he is personally using it and it works for him.

He said that Keifei Pharma are the manufacturers.I googled for Keifei T3 but couldn't get any reviews.

Here is the website I found <Admin deleted website>

I want to know if anyone else has ever tried any T3 from their trainer or used this brand or if I should try it or not?

I am very confused ....any help would be appreciated.:)

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sa1234 profile image
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47 Replies

Does he have a thyroid disorder?

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to

I think body-builders just use this product in order to make muscles more prominent and their body leaner. I haven't a clue how much they'd have to take to do so. I don't think many are hypo.

gabkad profile image
gabkad in reply to

He seems to have a belly fat disorder. :)

Responsible personal trainers never ever recommend hormones.

jimh111 profile image

Using T3 for this purpose will rip his heart (and brain -> stroke) as well as his body. There's a world of difference between the medical use of T3 to resolve thyroid problems and using it for vanity.

gabkad profile image
gabkad in reply to jimh111

Agreed. I was wondering why T3 is manufactured in such high doses.

sa1234 profile image

Thank you all for replying.

Yes,I am going to self-medicate with T3 and I think Uni-Pharma is the brand that mostly works good for people on this forum. Pls correct me if I am wrong.

Stormx profile image
Stormx in reply to sa1234

sa1234 is that the pfizer brand? If so I am taking that one, but I have the problem of belly fat its horrible, it just won't go down, you would think I have had kids and I have none :(

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Stormx

Uni-Pharma is not Pfizer.

Pfizer produce Cytomel (USA registered trade mark). (It used to be made by King, who were bought by Pfizer. King had acquired Cytomel when it bought Jones Pharma.)

sa1234 profile image
sa1234 in reply to Stormx

Stormx,I feel your pain because I have the same problem.I don't have kids either.It's even more embarrassing to have a big belly when you are skinny.I tried everything to get rid of it and nothing ever works for this stubborn belly fat :(

Stormx profile image
Stormx in reply to sa1234

i know your pain, mine won't go :(

something has got to give

If FitFlex Body Building site are to be believed ...! ! ! ....the effects of T3 are advantageous to the bodybuilder. .....

Burns fat cells to get ripped with no excess bodyfat

Increases BMR in nearly every cell and especially on muscles encouaging contractions for exercise and protein synthesis for growth.

Known to lower cholesterol & triglycerides.

Increase BMR by 60-100%.

Can stimulate metabolism of carbs.

Increases absorbtion of glucose in GI and increase glycolysis.

I don't know if anyone has ever used this brand to replace low thyroid conditions...?..


You shouldn't be confused . You just don't buy it . Get it from a proper source 😄

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

Do you know:

Where the product is made?

What the ingredients are?

Whether there is any quality control?

Even if it contains liothyronine, it could be mixed in buckets, using the cheapest liohtyronine obtained from, say, China. And what else might it contain?

People do die from taking things supplied by people in gyms.

Of course, it is your life, your choice. But I couldn't sleep if I didn't post a response saying that I wouldn't touch them.

sa1234 profile image
sa1234 in reply to helvella

I am not going to buy anything from him. Infact,I am still afraid of buying T3 online from any source.I still haven't found anyone who is using T3 bought online.

I got some links of online sellers for T3 from this forum but those who sent me the links,didn't say that they are using the same for their thyroid issues.

My doctor will not give T3 so I have no choice other than to look for a reliable source myself.So pls reply me if anyone is self medicating with T3 and buying online.


helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to sa1234


Very pleased to read that!

I do not take T3 and do not have experience of buying it.

sa1234 profile image
sa1234 in reply to helvella

Thanks for your help. :)

in reply to sa1234


If it was me who supplied you with T3 info ..( I can't remember..), I haven't used online supplies yet as have managed to persuade my endo to prescribe direct to me ( passing my local council who have withdrawn my prescriptions..). could post a new question asking members to PM you their suppliers and experience of the product used.


Stormx profile image
Stormx in reply to sa1234


I bought some T3 online, if you want to know where and how its going just let me know, like I said its the Pfizer Brand!! 25mcg I take two every morning, however I can't say its helped the belly which like I said is bad.

galathea profile image

Its illegal to supply prescription meds in the uk, unless you are a dispensing chemist or a doctor licenced to dispense. So if the trainer was to supply t3, he would be breaking the law. It's not illegal for you to buy your own meds abroad and to import them for your own use.

I no longer use t3, i changed to NDT a few years aho. However i buy ndt online and previously bought t3. There are plenty of places which sell t3... They make their money from repeat sales. If they sell adulterated t3 which doesnt work, then they are not going to get repeat orders. If they sell stuff which causes you harm, they also aren't going to get repeat business. maintain a list of suppliers on their forum which have been tried and tested by members... maybe worth you having a look there?

G x

Klagh profile image
Klagh in reply to galathea


I have Hashimoto's. May I ask why you switched from T3 to NDT?

I was taking T3 (cytomel) for a few months, and decided to go back to NDT, now that I seem to have found an NDT I can better tolerate.

(And I think my body may be in better shape now that I am very careful of my diet and take ALL of the recommended vitamins and minerals.)

Could you possibly send me the name of the NDT you take? Would you possibly also share the T3 you used? (Perhaps in the future, I might want to try a combination of NDT and T3.) At <email address removed by admin>

Thanks, and blessings to you,

Ms. Klagh

galathea profile image
galathea in reply to Klagh

Hi, i use naturethroid or thiroyd, i get on fine with both of them. Have tried thyroid s and erfa but didnt like either. I used to be on t3 supplied by my doc but before then i bought from india, mexico and america.

I have hashimotos for about 28 years and been on ndt for the past 4 years or so.

I prefer the ndt because it avoids all the peaks and troughs you get with synthetic. I just take my tablets last thing at night and forget about it all untill the next night when i take them again. It's really as easy as that for me. I do suppliment chromuim and magnesium, i also watch my b12 and i take iron in the form of spa tone everyday because mine tends towards the low side.

Sounds so simple but it took years of experimentation and testing to arrive this far.

Saw a new doc yesterday. I have just registered with a practice that does issue ndt. ( i found this info on rods list.)

Going to have a proper meeting in a couple of weeks time.

G xx

Klagh profile image
Klagh in reply to galathea

Thanks Galathea! I also prefer NDT for same reason - to avoid peaks and valleys. Best to you!

I used to be a bodybuilder and know that the stuff they get is real, but it is illegal to sell it on in UK. Be sure that what you are getting is not Triacana (tiractricol, which will make you really hypo on rebound) but actual T3 (liothryonine). He has to make a profit, so you might find it cheaper to buy your own (legally) online (ask people PM you places where you can buy T3). Anyway, you don't want to get into the world of injections in the posterior etc, however nice and knowledgable the people are. It's hard to resist. Howeer, most of them know more about nutrition than anyone in the NHS. But their endocrine knowledge is all geared to big muscles and low body fat whatever the consequences. Been there, done that.

You'd only take it for about 6 weeks (often with an anabolic stack to prevent muscle wasting) in order to get ripped for a show. It's not so much vanity as money - if you win you get cash and sponsorships. As with most competitive sport, it is not a healthy lifestyle.

galathea profile image
galathea in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Angel .... The poster says she has the names of online pharmacies but feels she cannot trust them to supply authentic medication.


Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to galathea

In that case, need a sympathetic endo to prescribe.

The bodybuilder will be buying online or taking a kitbag to Eastern Europe or the Middle East (or India) ... same difference.

SilverAvocado profile image
SilverAvocado in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Angel, I'm curious about what kind of doses of T3 they take. Are they in a similar range to a replacement dose, or smaller, or larger.

I'm quite jealous of the recklessness of it ;) I wish I was taking recreational drugs instead of all the serious nonsense I'm on these days :p

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to SilverAvocado

50-60mcg usually for a man. just for the last 4-6 weeks of dieting before a show. Extreme dieting and very low carbs stops your T4 to T3 conversion, so they need to get it back up again or fat loss stalls.

Don't we know it!

But remember that bodybuilders will put up with horrendous physical discomfort (and mental) to prepare for a show. Imagine how you'd feel on something that gives you night sweats, night mares, the shakes, headaches, muscle pains, food cravings while eating probably less than 50% of the recommended calories for your size and going to the gym 5 times a week, plus cardio and lifting your body weight multiple time a day (and often doing a day job as well). Normal, sane people, just wouldn't do it.

galathea profile image
galathea in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Ah! Lightbulb moment! My conversion stopped about 14 years ago when i lost 3 stones by dieting. Since then i have not managed to lose much at all..... Not consistently. I now eat very low carb because of diabetes t2. I wonder if i should add t3 to the ndt ir maybe up my ndt dose.... Hmmmmm.... Will think about this.. But currently packing to go on holiday..... :-)

galathea profile image

I think he does it on a named patient basis, there are details on the website.

G x

galathea profile image

To a chemist. Then the chemist buys from one of the importers. All this info is on the thyroiduk website.

G xx

Absolutely, though more often from electrolyte imbalances (causes heart problems) or cancer.

acunatang profile image

It is very dangerous for him to be using T3 if he doesn't have a thyroid condition! Tell him he is putting homself at risk of heart disease and bone problems! T3 should only be taken by people who need it, i.e. People who are hypothyroid and not getting anywhere with T4! T3 should be a last resort to correct thyroid levels!

galathea profile image
galathea in reply to acunatang

Bone problems? Have a read of

It says supressed tsh due to taking meds doesnt cause osteoporosis.

Xx g

acunatang profile image
acunatang in reply to galathea

I wasn't talking about taking it on prescription or if needed, if you have a hypothyroid condition, I was talking about the dangers of taking it when there is nothing wrong with your thyroid!!

sa1234 profile image

Thanks AngelaBlu for replying.I do have some stubborn belly fat that I want to lose.It's not that much(about 2-3 inches) but because I am skinny,it looks too much on me.If I exercise,I lose fats from everywhere and look anorexic.Also,I can't lose more weight because I am very near being under weight.This belly fat is really stubborn and exercising doesn't help at all.I think my fat belly is due to my sluggish digestion.

I would appreciate if you PM me the link of your T3 supplier.

cein profile image
cein in reply to sa1234

Adrenal and cortosol problems can cause belly fat

Dr Eric Berg .. On Belly fat.

cein profile image
cein in reply to cein

This is not the right link for Cortisol and belly fat ... sorry I dont know how to remove it

( Admin can you help )

sa1234 profile image
sa1234 in reply to cein

Thanks Cein for your help.

I am a follower of Dr.Eric Berg and I have already seen that video .I am low in B12 which can cause many digestive issues and that can lead to hormonal imbalances as well.And also T4 is not doing anything much other than lowering my TSH so I am going to add T3 myself and I hope all this will help me look and feel better.

I would also like to thank all the lovely people who replied to me.I really appreciate all the support I am getting here. :)

PattyOdores profile image

I'm not sure t3 will do anything for stomach fat. And if you don't need it medically I think it's dangerous.

galathea profile image

Yes i am in the uk. Have a look at the info supplied by rod, but aquired fron the nhs.....


Stormx profile image

I bought it of a reputable site I can send you the details, as i got the information of this site! I was given 3 different sites and I believe it to be reputable, however you are right bit was expensive, but instead of 30 pills you get 100.

Dexterpuppy profile image
Dexterpuppy in reply to Stormx

Hi Stormx

Please can you inbox me the site and brand you buy. Thank you

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Dexterpuppy


I suggest that you post a your own new post to ask this question - rather than responding on an two-year-old thread. Or, if asking Stormx, maybe send a Private Message?

Dexterpuppy profile image
Dexterpuppy in reply to helvella

Ok sorry thank you will do

galathea profile image

If you look at the sheet, And follow a surgery accross the page. You can see what they have prescribed. This sheet only covers t3, and ndt... As far as i remember.

You need to scroll through it, look for your local area, then see what each surgery has prescribed.

Worth downloading and saving it.

G x

Carriebaby profile image
Carriebaby in reply to galathea

Hi been following your posts and would like to find a local doctor to my area that would prescribe me Ntd  can you give me the name of the site as I can't understand rods list ??? 

Spanglysplash profile image

I have used T3 I purchased online. I used it to slowly raise my dose of NHS t3. The brand I used was tiromel and I ordered online from Greece. It's helped me a lot.

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