Restless legs and weight gain?: Hi all, just a... - Thyroid UK

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Restless legs and weight gain?

Natj123 profile image
19 Replies

Hi all, just a quick question

Does anyone suffer restless legs at night

I'm climbing the wall at bed time!!

Also I'm piling on weight like there's no Tomorrow

Taking 25mcg levo and 25mcg t3!

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Natj123 profile image
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19 Replies
greygoose profile image

Sounds like your dose isn't high enough for you, if you're putting on weight like that. When did you last have any bloods done?

RLS can be caused by low thyroid, or low iron, or low magnesium. You can just take magnesium - about 350 mg - and see if it helps. But do get your iron/ferritin tested before supplementing iron. You Don't want too much!

Natj123 profile image
Natj123 in reply to greygoose

Hi grey goose!

I'm a total mess here today, my iron is low, it has been since I had my son a year ago, but the only iron supplement I can take is spatone liquid iron!!! Which is hardly making a dent in it!!

I feel puffy today and bloated!!!

I could cry I'm starving hungry all the time and craving absolute rubbish to eat, which isn't helping my weight either!!

I'm stressed to the max I struggle with everyday life and hardly sleep due to a difficult baby :-(

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Natj123

Can you not increase your dose of iron? Have you tried taking vit C with it? That makes it easier to absorb, and it's easier on the stomach.

Can you eat liver? That's rich in iron. Eat it with mashed potatoes, and onion gravy, that will aid absorption. It will also fill you up nicely!

Don't worry about your weight at the moment, it's the least of your worries! If you are hungry, eat. But try not to eat rubbish! lol You need the calories. And hypo weight-gain has nothing to do with what you eat.

Natj123 profile image
Natj123 in reply to greygoose

Yes I've always gained it easy

:-( I can't tolerate fats as I had my gall bladder removed at 19!!

No I've tried liver :-/ lol

I had to have a blood transfusion when I was pregnant due to being anaemic!!!

My next appointment is October 12th :-( will my doctor be able to check my adrenals? I'm going to take magnesium x

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Natj123

OK, so perhaps you've always had an Under-acheiving thyroid. I know I have! Ever since I was a small child, and I've always been fat, plus lots of other symptoms (which doctors, of course, didn't recognise).

Can you really not tolerate fats? Or did they just tell you you wouldn't be able to and you haven't dared try? I've had my gall bladder out, and fats are no problem for me. Especially not butter! If you can't eat any fats, then you aren't going to be able to absorb any fat-soluble vitamins - D, E, A. So, you're going to be very low, I would imagine.

I doubt your doctor knows anything about adrenals. And if he does, he probably thinks that adrenal fatigue doesn't exist, so I doubt he'd be willing to test them. Even if he did, it would only be an 8 o'clock cortisol test (I imagine) when what you really need is a 24 hour saliva cortisol test. But ask, anyway. You never know!

Natj123 profile image
Natj123 in reply to greygoose

Well my mother took me to the docs when I was a teenager because I was fat and couldn't fathom out how??? He tested and said it was on the very low side of normal

But didn't do anything about it!!! Then a year after that I had to have gall bladder removed!!!this was after a year of severe vomiting and nausea that wouldn't go with anti emetics

I lost 7 stone but it all went back on!!!

I can't eat fatty foods

Fried food, take sways they all make me feel sick but I can tolerate chocolate and ice cream!!! I just get bloated and uncomfortable!!!

I'm better off getting them tested myself then?xx

I should add I'm slim but I can feel it piling on, after having my son I dropped the 42lb I gained but now it's coming thick and fast :-( x

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Natj123

Most hypos seem to have gall bladder trouble, so I take that as a symptom of hypo. It's to do with not being able to use the cholesterol, I believe.

Have you had your antibodies tested? If your weight goes up and down, it could be Hashi's. I lost a load of weight after I had my two sons, but put a load on when I had my daughter. My weight has been up and down all my life - but more up than down!

Yes, it might be an idea to get your own tests done, I'm afraid.

Natj123 profile image
Natj123 in reply to greygoose

No I've only had the usual tft ferritin etc

Would the doc test that?

I'm useless at all this see! Do I just ask him to test my antibodies?

I'll have to save up for the tests I'm afraid!

Well I've been stable for a few years but I've actually turned into a really greedy pig and I can't seem to control it !

Are you in the UK? X

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Natj123

No, I live in France.

You could ask your doctor to test antibodies, but there's no guarantee the lab would do them, I'm afraid. Labs are a law unto themselves, from what I've heard, and can over-rule doctors. What sort of a crazy world is that!!!

Natj123 profile image
Natj123 in reply to greygoose

Thank you

I really need to get them done

Private is best I think :-)

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Natj123

I think so, too. :)

Natj123 profile image
Natj123 in reply to greygoose

Thanks a lot for your help :-)

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Natj123

You're welcome. :)

Coastwalker profile image

My Restless legs at night, sciatica, hip and tailbone pain all went quickly once I was on a good dose of D3.

Natj123 profile image
Natj123 in reply to Coastwalker

What is d3? :-)

Coastwalker profile image

Apologies should have said Vitamin D3,

D3 is needed in almost every cell of your body, 85% = of people in UK are apparently low or deficient in vitamin D, I was found deficient and given 1000iu by my Doctor and realized it healed everything in my previous post above, but all pains came back again within a few days or so.

Someone on Health Unlocked told me to 1000iu was a mere maintenance dose and to take a look at vitamindconcil for more up to date vitamin D3 doses and the many illnesses vitamin D3 helps.

I now take 5000iu of D3 and overnight it cured all my pains mentioned above, but when I forget to take my D3 all those pains come back with a vengeance to remind me, my body's way of letting me know I need to take another dose of D3.

Natj123 profile image
Natj123 in reply to Coastwalker

Ah right!!!

I'm going to keep my local health shop in business because I take loads now and wanted to add magnesium and selenium!!

And now vitamin d ha ha thank you!

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Natj123

Natj123, no not vitamin d, it is vitamin D3 get it right ;) :)

Also not easy to buy good vitamin D3 doses at local stores, you'll find higher doses and cheaper prices usually on line. (PM me if you wish.)

Have you had a good look at vitamindcouncil and checked out all the illnesses vitamin D3 helps, it is amazing, I never knew how powerful little vitamin pills can be and what a difference they can make if deficient in them.

Natj123 profile image
Natj123 in reply to Coastwalker

Oh god! D3 is different to just 'd' haaaa

That's me told ;-) lol

The link didn't work last time but I'll look now!!! Fab thank you!!

Yes I will message you to find out where best to buy!!! Thanks

Natalie x

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