Help please - daughter has cysts on her thyroid... - Thyroid UK

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Help please - daughter has cysts on her thyroid, her blood tests were within normal ranges but her neck swells up and goes down regularly.

LaineyC profile image
11 Replies

As mentioned, her neck swells up sometimes and goes back down over the course of a day. The hospital consultant just said that it can't happen as there is nothing there to swell up and go down, but it does. She does get tired and feel cold and I want to know what is happening to her. Has anyone come across this before as I am sure there is a problem with her thyroid but I don't know how to get to the bottom of it all. Any advice would be gratefully received.

Thank you.

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LaineyC profile image
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11 Replies
Marz profile image

Does she have anti-bodies ? Also what were the actual results ?

shaws profile image

Welcome to our forum LaineyC,

Did the consultant offer any suggestion re the cysts or any medication?

Some people have hyperthyroidism and some hypothyroidism.

I think many mothers have an instinct where their children are concerned. I, too, was once ticked off by a doctor for making a suggestion (not to do with the thyroid gland) about my daughter's complaints but I have been proved right unfortunately and the doctor was so very wrong.

First of all, if you can get a print-out of your daughter's blood test results, with the ranges and if you don't have them today put them on a new post for members to comment upon.

I don't have any experience of cysts but those on the forum who have will respond to your question. I always thought cysts were investigated but more information will be forthcoming


Them profile image
Them in reply to shaws

Yes, thyroid can have a cysts. 4 months ago I was operated and they did a biopsy which confirmed a cyst. I did a x-ray first, a scan which confirmed that something was wrong. Try to find an endo.

Winegum2 profile image

She should have an ultra sound at the very least to check the size of the cysts. If she has hashimotos, it can cause the tsh to be somewhat irratic which might be making her thyroid swell and recede. Take before and after photos of her neck and ask for an antibody test for hashimotos.

shaws profile image

This is for information only:-

Persevere with finding out and asking about tests until you get some clarity. My daughter was 15 when her thyroid started playing up and her body started to attack it with antibodies. She is now hypothyroid and on daily meds. It was the singing teacher who first noticed goitre (swelling) in her neck. I'm glad we go it checked out. Trust your instincts as a mother.

Hi laineyc

Prior to my thyroid issue being diagnosed, I used to get regular swellings in my neck, one swollen tonsil & fatigue. GPs & consultants always wrote off my concerns to viruses. This happened for 18 months however after developing a cough an X-ray revealed lymphoma. Don't give up, always see the same GP to get consistent care. My diagnose was excessively delayed and I was all but ignored or not believed at every appointment and it was partly due to not seeing the same doctor. Good luck x

lynmc profile image

I used to get something like that. It turned out it mine was my salivary gland blocking. Very painful. They had me eating lemons and sucking those sour suckers and eventually it unblocked. You can get stones in them I guess. Google "blocked salivary gland".

Welcome, Lainey. What is the consultant you've seen supposed to be expert on? It seems a no-brainer to me that *anything* can swell up. A wonky thyroid can produce a goitre, the size of which may vary. Or anti-bodies attacking the thyroid can have (as others have already noted) weird effects. What blood test(s) did your daughter have? Get hold of the results from your doctor (you are entitled to them by law). I just ask for them 'for my own records' : very few surgeries make a fuss. Post the results here in a new thread and it will help people make sensible suggestions.

The thyroid is, of course a gland producing hormones. If your daughter is a teenager then her hormones will be all over the place. Thyroidism likes to hide in amongst this sort of turmoil. It does the same thing with menopause. So it is particularly difficult to identify what is thyroid-related and what is not at these two times of life. Add to this that thyroidism presents with so very many different symptoms - you go on your mothering instinct and stick to your guns!

LaineyC profile image

She has had 2 ultrasounds which apparently showed they were cysts and had remained the same size. I think this is why they said her neck couldn't swell up and go down. I can't remember the blood tests she had although I think it was something like TSH and TF4. For each of these her results were slap bang in the middle of the normal range so I didn't know what else to push for xx

LaineyC profile image

I will get copies of blood test results and post them here as soon as possible. Thanks everyone xx

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