Age 19 I showed very elevated TSH levels, was diagnosed as hypothyroid and given T4 for 15 years. Felt totally crap.
I stopped 18 months ago and feel absolutely great, much better than on T4.
I do not know if I was misdiagnosed, if I recovered from hypothyroidism, or if I still have a deficiency but that levothyroxine is simply so crap a drug that I feel better without it than with even if there is still something wrong.
Any advice?
The longer story:
Original diagnosis: I was never overweight, never had hair loss, muscle cramps etc.
The reason they tested me is that my blood pressure crashed a couple of times and I couldn't wake up properly sometimes.
After starting to take T4 I developed severe generalised anxiety disorder, severe social phobia and depression, which I had for 10 years. A lot of fatigue and severe mental health problems, was hospitalised once.
I was always, must add, crap at taking my pills and also wasn't told to take it in the morning instead of in the evening. Basically, during all of this time I felt really terrible. A lot of fatigue.
During this time my TSH was sometimes high and dose adjusted and TSH normalised.
When seeing my endocrinologist(s) or GPs it was always a total given that because I'd tested high originally and occasionally since (when on T4) I must be hypothyroid and would be forever. I never found a doctor who could explain to me my exactly I needed to be on T4 if my T4 or T3 were never, not once, low, and only my TSH was high. The issue was basically not up for discussion.
I got annoyed at a situation that and during one holiday I decided to see what happened if I just stopped taking my levothyroxine. There were no physical symptoms to give me any reason whatsoever to go back on it. That was 18 months ago. I feel better than ever. I feel fatigued at the end of the day and tend to have an hour nap (!) but that's probably because I'm a mum of 2 toddlers and am now general director of a company employing 161 people and have a lovely understanding husband who supports my nap time.
I still in all this time haven't been back to a doctor as even if my TSH is high I don't want to be put back into their funny little box-like thinking, back onto meds and feeling crap again! I will go and do the test again, seems sensible, but I'd first like some kind of info on if this has happened to other people.
So, the only reference I've found to total misdiagnosis of this kind is on this is on the stopthethyroidmadness website, where it says "Some never needed treatment in the first place. i.e. the doc just once caught a higher TSH due to stress or anything else, and onto T4 they went. We discovered this scenario when these folks simply stopped taking their T4-only and have been fine since!! i.e. what caused the high TSH at one time has gone away."
Anyone have experience, information or any pointers about how to find out more about cases where elevated TSH levels were used to misdiagnose hypothyroidism in patients who were simply not sick? Do people ever recover from hypothyroidism, is this what could've happened, alternatively?
Many thanks, any help or advice much appreciated.