I recently made an appointment with gp as I'd had two episodes of my heart thumping like mad, then feeling like it stopped but only briefly, just as panick would start to creep in, the moment passed and I started to feel fine. The second time it happened, the thumping continued and I felt really dizzy and thought I was going to pass out. I've had palpitations for years, so never really thought anything of it until this happened. My gp took bloods and it came back as under active thyroid. My cholesterol level was 8. Something. I've been prescribed medcation which I haven't been able to collect yet due to our chemist nit having it in stock. After being told I have an under active thyroid, everything kind of fell into place, the tiredness, the mood swings, joints hurting like mad. highly emotional all the time, easily gettng upset over slightest things and worked up over minor issues. Everyone telling me it's my age, I'm 46. The only thing I can't seem to find information on is the hunger I feel, it seems over active this is normal, but not for under? I can eat for England, once I start eatng dinner for example I just want to carry on eating, I never feel full. Hence weight increase. I can lose weight if I diet, which also seems to contradict underactive. I'm also not cold, I get hot very quickly, when I get up and start moving around I get so hot, I swear like mad, something I never used to do, I could run for miles before and not a bead of sweat would fall. I also can get shaky and start to sweat, I normally have a banana and afetr half an hour I feel better. Dies anyone else have this with underactive thyroid? Everything I read, everyone says they are cold?