I went to my pharmacist ( lincoln Tesco ) on Tuesday to collect my regular month's supply of Liothyronine.
They offered me 2/3 of my supply. When I got home I discovered that one of the bottles was batch no. 81526 - one of the one's that made me really unwell over Christmas and New year.
I returned it to the chemist - they offered me a part bottle of batch no. 81377 - the other batch that made me so ill over Christmas and New Year. I declined this and was given a credit note for the 56 tablets remaining on my Prescription.
I was told that they use three different suppliers and all are out of stock of Liothyronine and all are unable to say when stocks will become available.
The company has obviously had production problems and done what they usually do - re issue the last problem batches. These are still within their use by date but are a year old.
I am going on holiday to Stuttgart, Germany next Tuesday for one week. I run out of Liothyronine the day after my return.
As I don't have any time to sort this out after I return, I wondered if any one knows if I will be able to buy some Liothyronine from a chemist whilst in Germany.
Has anyone else had a problem with obtaining their Liothyronine prescription? Or is the problem only in Lincoln?