is it freely available on the nhs synthetic t3? i live in north devon and im pretty sure its hard to get hold of? or do members get hold of it privately
i live in north devon in torrington and i want ... - Thyroid UK
i live in north devon in torrington and i want to try T3 and have asked dr he just dismissed my needing it.

Hi I live in Truro, not too far away. I am constantly on T3 but not the NHS T3. It isn't very pure. I get mine from Mexico, it really is the best and called Cynomel. Unfortunately at present there is a problem with the labelling and nothing is coming out of Mexico but it should be back by the end of the summer.
If you find any other make sure it is in a bottle. I have tried loads and if they are in a packet they don't seem to be any good but other people may think otherwise.
Gismo333, Cynomel isn't likely to be available before November.
I have no idea but that's what I heard. It might be back before then. It is made by Grossman
can you email me
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Minus, It can be difficult to get T3 prescribed on the NHS thanks to protocols which state that Levothyroxine is the preferred therapy. Many CCGs insist that GPs can only prescribe it if recommended by an NHS endocrinologist. Some areas appear to have a blanket ban on endos and GPs prescribing it.
What makes you think you need it?
this is why i think it might help, reposted earlier message,hi, im on 100mg of levothyroxine and my tsh levels were 2.8 tsh last time they were checked . dr wants me to wait several months to see if it goes down lower before increasing. my immune system seems to be very low as i have had roughly 8 colds since spring last year and have got one now!, my thinking is slowed down still, and my memory isn't great short term, my body temp is on average 36.7 c and my blood pressure 107/69 pulse varies between 69,70 , 85, when i feel stressed i notice palpitations and heartbeat, but have checked it and don't appear to be going overactive. i have got both thyroid antibodies high and hashimoto's, but really wonder if i should take plunge and try natural thyroid and see if i feel better on it or just try higher dose of levo? scared to self medicate really and wonder if there are any members who know of nhs drs in taunton, exeter, or plymouth who would prescribe NDT either private or through a gp referall could private message me names or details pls.
shaws Administrator
Hi minus,
I have the same points of view as the two responses above but I think you should demand some T3 to be added to your T4 now. You are obviously undermedicated and after all those years on levo, the nicest thing would give you a trial of T3. It might make a huge difference to your life.
Dr Toft recommends, a TSH of below one or suppressed.
I hope you feel better soon but you need a decent dose of thyroid hormones.
Reply Recommend (1)
Minus, I replied on that thread. I thought you posted that your GP agreed to increase dose to 125mcg a few days ago? The Levothyroxine dose increase should bring your TSH down.
thanks clutter, yes i am having blood test next week, so will let you know if it has gone down much. im wondering about reverse T3 though? if it doesnt go down much what then clutter? im also still having c pap therapy for sleep apnea, which im hoping if thyroid is optimal will be able to stop it at some point. I also have two small thyroid nodules one 3mm and one 6mm.
Minus, if TSH hasn't gone down you should have another dose increase. Does your GP test FT4 and FT3 too?
NHS doesn't test rT3. If you want that done you'll have to order private FT3 and rT3 tests.
Small thyroid nodules don't usually cause problems or symptoms or affect blood levels.
he was initially nervous about increasing to 125mg because my free T4 was 22 which he said was good but the nhs labs automatically dont test free t3 because im classed as within normal range now.
dr doesnt seem bothered about thyroid nodules I asked whether there will be a yearly ultrasound to check if they are growing bigger or shrinking. he said that was not standard practice and they are common. I also said about re testing thyroid antibodies to see if they had come down, he also didnt see much point in that either. but did cave in about b12 testing so lucky there and will find out shortly how my levels are.