Is it o.k. to take melatonin tablets if one is hypoT and on replacement thyroxin?
Melatonin: Is it o.k. to take melatonin tablets... - Thyroid UK

Look at the site: Melatonin and Synthroid Drug Interactions - › Drugs A to Z
Should at least partly reassure.
If you try melatonin, start with a very small dose and work up.
I take one quarter of a 3mg tablet and it knocks me out. Any dose higher than that and I get a dreadful headache and can't get to sleep. If I take it more than a couple of times a week I get severely depressed. My husband, who has no hormonal problems and is not normally depressed, gets exactly the same effects as me.
On the other hand, some people do brilliantly on 10mg tablets every night.
I'm hypothyroid and take 150 mcg synthroid with 7.5 mg of T3 twice a day. I also take Melatonin 2.5mg at bed time. I started with 1mg of melatonin then 2mg now I'm at 2.5 mg. I haven't had any bad side effects from taking the melatonin.
Dear All,
May someone suggest a good brand of melatonin. I'm on 125mcg and 100 mcg of levothyroxine on alternate days. Can sleep from 11:00 pm to 3:30 am then awake till 6 am and then sleep from 6 to 8 am. Needless to say have headaches and work is a struggle.
I tried ashwagandha but that made me constipated. Was just reading about melatonin and thought of giving it a try.