Has anyone lost pubic hair. 😱
Has anyone lost pubic hair. 😱
I believe this is quite common. Many years ago, an older female relative of mine once confided to me that no-one had ever warned her that loss of pubic hair would happen as she got older. I was bemused by her comment at the time and didn't really know what to say. A good fifteen or more years later, when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I told this same person and she revealed that she had been on thyroxine for years. The penny then dropped for me... her pubic hair loss probably had little to do with her age and everything to do with her thyroid condition. She had also completely lost her eyebrows, and apparently had no idea that was connected to the thyroid condition either. She didn't suffer with head hair loss at all though!
Yes, and leg and underarm hair. It saves a lot of time, but it's a bit weird!
Leg and unarm yes; pubic hair sadly not 😥
Yep, I have a large patch which is as smooth as a baby's bottom!
@bobsmydog me too!!
It used to be a bush. Now it's a weedy patch.
OK, thanks folks for the replies. Eyebrows are sparse too. Does it indicate lack of hormone I wonder?
heheh,can't tell too much tummy fat!!(lol)
It's quite convenient now I've got used to it!
Legs, armpits and pubes all like the driveway after weedkiller!
Bless! At least its not took your sense of humour. I don't know how I feel about it😶
I wish. Sadly no, mine is all too present and correct. I've only lost hair off my arms, fingers and a little from my legs. Otherwise everything is still FAR too lush.
I can relate..i wish i could lose all unwanted hair and feel well too, but no!!!
I know, Faith. You'd think if we have to be stuck with lousy illnesses they'd at least have an upside! All the ones I seem to get make you fat and ruin your digestion and sleep. Oh and give me dry skin and lots of weird unidentifiable rashes. Thanks, God....
Anyone with hair loss like this, is low on meds. Your thyroid hormone is going to more important things beside hair growth.
I have a huge loss of pubic, arm, leg, & some scalp hair. I still worry about it a lot! But what can I do? I know of no supplement to take; does anyone??? Thanks, bh
I have lost mine and my eyebrows .
I don't need to shave my legs. I think I've got about two hairs per leg and I leave them to grow, unmolested.
...and what's with the hairy chin (tweezers at the ready )
i can attest to all the above loosing it all all over my lady garden is course and sparse like wise the rest of my body
Well if its due to under treatment, I'm taking 600mcg of T3 a day, I need help. Self treating....I sacked the Endo and went solo!🙋