Can anyone help me with my cortisole results please. Taken 12.50pm Serum Cortisol 385 nmolL. I have all the symptoms of adrenal fatigue, but gp says results are fine! My T4 is 21.1 (12.0-22.0), free T3 4.4 (3.1-6.8) and TSH 0.23 (0.27-4.20) Low.
Cortisol Results: Can anyone help me with my... - Thyroid UK
Cortisol Results

Hello millefleur40,
Your cortisol result is not a true indication. The blood should have been drawn before 9am and measures both protein bound and free cortisol at one particular time of the day so most would say this result is meaningless.
A saliva stress test is done over four intervals in a 24 hour period and measures only the free cortisol that is biologically active and so available for use. This gives a far truer picture of your cortisol levels throughout the day.
There are details of private company's who do this test on the Thyroid UK website.
Your thyroid tests are good.
Most people function better with a suppressed TSH of 1.0 or below.
T3 could be slightly higher as most people function better within the top quadrant of range.
I can't recommend performing the adrenals saliva stress test enough if you suspect adrenal issues as they will need to be addressed.
Low cortisol or other adrenal issues can interfere with thyroidys meds working efficiently.

Thank you so much for your helpful response flower007. The cortisole blood test was taken after appointment with specialist at hospital, I did say at the time about doing that and thyroid bloods when I hadnt taken my meds and early morning, but he said it made no difference!! I asked my GP about adrenal saliva test and she said they didnt test saliva as it was unreliable! Thing is if I pay a huge amount of money for saliva test and it comes up my adrenals are bad (as symptoms suggest) will my gp or an endo take any notice or just dismiss the results?? I am seriously thinking of ordering Thyroid S online and trying that as it seems to work for a lot of Hashi patients. V scared though as have no support from gp or endo with it.
Hi, was replying to u and msge vanished into the ether. I wd get yr GP to retest the morning cortisol - have it as close to 8am as pos. Then post yr results. U can then decide whether to have a saliva test or not. I am just going to ask a question re treating adrenals so u might be interested in replies.
Best C

Thank you again Flower007 for your lovely reply. My GP wont do cortisole or other tests now, she says the lab wont process them! Im waiting to see endo again, the plan was to say im still having symptoms that something isnt working even if my t3 and t4 are in range (although my t4 is upper range and im experiencing over medicated symptoms. I was then (deep breath) going to ask for the list of tests to be done that are recommended in Stop the Madness etc eg vit d, folate, vit b, cortisole, hormones etc. The endo I am down to see was useless. Recently got a letter to say im being moved to another to be seen quicker, in other words a no2 and we know what thats short for!!! Lol! I was going to ask for t3 to be added as ive heard you shouldnt be left on t4 alone for too many years. THEN was even considering going to see Dr P. I was going to try Nurtrithyroid thing for adrenals and maybe ndt, under his supervision. Its supposed to help with symptoms of hashi. Trouble is you need to go see Dr P armed with recent testing results because he doesnt do any testing apparently.
General doctors & endos don't recognise the saliva stress test.
You need to have this done privately and then go to see Dr P.
If your adrenals are tired out they need help to recover as low cortisol will interfere with any thyroids meds working.