Still think soy is a health food?
Soybean Oil: One of the Most Harmful Ingredient... - Thyroid UK
Soybean Oil: One of the Most Harmful Ingredients in Processed Foods

Well, to be honest, there's just nothing good about it! Except for all the money it makes for the producers...
What always amazes me is that it's in so many supplement capsules. I even wrote to one company saying how disappointed I was that an otherwise reputable firm would use soy oïl in their products, and I out-lined all the dangers. I never got a reply!
I take Solgar vitamin D3 and am aware that it is in my softgels. If anyone knows of a better supplement I hope they will let us know. Thank you greygoose for the many useful posts regarding health. I appreciate them.
Healthy Origins, Chlorophyle. They Don't have soy oïl.
Glad you like my posts, thank you.
Thanks for that. I don't think we really look closely at what supplements contain. We just look for the main ingredient not realising that the fillers/etc can have a bad effect on us.
Not just soybean but all PUFA oils will harm your thyroid.
Mine are pills," supplement" is something added to could be powder as used by body builders and others.
Treepie I know what a supplement is. The whole point of this is that they use oïl to make the casings for softgels, and some companies use soy oïl. Chlorophyle was talking about her vit D3 supplements which come in softgels made with soy oïl and wanted an alternative.
There is no reason to add oïl to a tablet or a powder, it's not necessary. However, talking about bodybuilders, their protein powders often contain soy protein, so something to Watch out for.
I think we are at cross purposes on supplements!
Talking of powders I noticed a poster mentioning d- ribose ,I was wondering if it would help this old breathless geezer by supplying more oxygen.Any thoughts?
Not personally, no, never tried it. Why Don't you start a new thread and ask because I'm sure some people on here have taken it. I'd be interested to know myself!
Do you take B12? Low B12 can cause breathlessness, as can hypo, heart problems and lung problems. Never managed to work out what causes mine. Oh, and vit A + vit D2 is supposed to help, too. That's what I'm trying at the moment.
Yes gone from 1000iu B12 spray to 2500 iu Tabs,have noted some improvement in energy levels,but not so much balance thought I might increase to 5000iu but when tried before I was a bit queasy . Also take multi its.
Spoke to two ladies at TPA conference last Friday who said their balance had improved with NDT.
As you often say what works for one does not work for another.How much B12 do you take daily?
Just read this article, I am new to all this so have lots to learn. I suspect my thyroid has been iffy for a few years but recently have started eating a lot more soy products mince, burgers and sausages. Makes me wonder now if that has contributed to my seemingly sudden flair of symptoms.
I've just been to the freezer and thrown all remaining products away. I feel awful, I've been feeding this stuff to my children. Never again.
Is Quorn at a similar standard?
The people that grow soy are the same people that used to grow Tobacco, for the most part. They are very good at advertising, and have managed to convince people that soy is a health food. I got taken in too! Although, it tasted so bad I didn't eat much of it!
Quorn is different. It is a fungus that is artificially grown in vats. How good or bad it is for you, I Don't really know - some fungus is very good for you, some mushrooms - but Quorn is more of a mold than a mushroom. And this article would appear to be saying that it isn't very good at all :
One thing is certain, it doesn't contain any fat. And fat is often something that people lack when they Don't eat meat. And that is not good.
From tonight's research I'm going right back to basics, meat, fish, eggs with rice potatoes and salads.
Fungus also does not sound too appealing so will give a wide birth also.
I'm so enjoying learning so much it's quite taken my mind off the worry of what is happening.
It's opening my eyes to everything, even products I use on my hair and skin.
Thank you