Has anyone heard of hearing loss due to hyperthyroidism. I have just discovered I can hear nothing in my right ear. Will be straight to GP tomorrow!!
Complete Loss of hearing in one ear: Has anyone... - Thyroid UK
Complete Loss of hearing in one ear

I losy my hearing in my left ear....was told it wasnerve damage and had abrain scan.No-one told me how this had happened but it was around the same time that i was diagnosed with Hashimotos/underactive thyroid. There was no treatment for me and was only offered a NHS Hearing aid, which i refused and manage with pretty good hearing in one ear.
Thanks for reply. My ears went funny On Saturday and it was tonight when I was on the phone with my friend telling her I tried the phone at ny right ear and I couldn't hear a thing. My Thyroid is still untreated I'm still waiting for an appointment with an Endo. I'm really worried my other ear goes too!! I just wondered if there could be a connection with my overactive thyroid. Maybe there is when this has happened to you too x
Maybe thiere is a connection... i remember before i lost my hearing that when i went to sleep and woke up in the morning i could only hear someone speaking to me as if they were wispering...when in fact they were speaking in a normal voice. Last was in both ears, yet my left one was eventually affected,..
My mum had and overactive thyroid and it grew to intrefer with her eustatian tube which made her hearing worse.
GP says its not connected to thyroid but Im not too sure!! Now waiting for ENT apt x
I posted a link to a paper I while back about research into sudden deafness, and people with thyroid disorders were shown to have a higher occurrence of sudden deafness than any other.
not much help, but there is obviously a link between the two
Thanks susymac I'm goin to doc today so will mention I think there may be a connection and the fact I've not seen an Endo yet us annoying me x
Initially I was overmedicated on thyroxine have had ringing in ears for years.now have deteriorating hearing.I am convinced it goes with thyroid.I have been off thyroxine for 7 mths & levels haven't changed.
Hi, there may be no direct connection between ears and thyroid, but there is definitely a connection at one remove - between a) head injury and ears (head injury can cause tinnitus and deafness), and between b) head injury and thyroid (head injury can damage the pituitary gland, and that can mean thyroid and adrenal problems). So if you've ever had a head injury, even a mild concussion, it could all be part of the same syndrome. Some of you may be wondering what the point of knowing this is... but there is a point, because if you know your thyroid problems stem from pituitary damage it opens up the possibility that your other pituitary hormones could be affected - e.g. you could have secondary hypoadrenalism (causes fatigue), growth hormone deficiency (can cause depression, brain fog and weight problems), hypogonadism (causes failure of periods, infertility, loss of libido, depression) . . . and if you know to get these possibilities checked out, there's effective treatment and you could feel a lot better. But be warned, it's a very hard fight to get diagnosed with pituitary problems. See headinjuryhypo.org.uk for more information.