My Sister purchased some Kelp capsules from Dr. Eric Berg's website. They contain iodine also and we are both questioning how much iodine is good and how much takes you over the edge. Need some guidance on this. Thanks.
How much iodine should we as hypothyroid need? - Thyroid UK
How much iodine should we as hypothyroid need?

Guysgrams, in my opinion none, unless you have been tested and are iodine deficient. We should be getting the required amount of iodine from Levothyroxine. Not everyone agrees, but most agree that iodine is contraindicated in people with Hashimoto's. There are over 2,200 posts on the subject
I absolutely agree with Clutter. Unless you are deficient, you do not need to take extra iodine, and certainly not massive amounts. Kelp has quite a high content, and if they've added more iodine on top, it could very well cause you problems. I read somewhere that we only need about a teaspoon of iodine in our whole lives, because it is recycled, not used up like B12 or magnesium.
Every molecule of T4 contains four atoms of iodine. When T4 is converted into T3, one atom of iodine is released into the blood, and reused. You are taking about 125 mcg, aren't you. That's quite a bit of iodine being recycled there, quite apart from what you get in your food. Do you really want to add more to it?
Also, if you are iodine deficient, you need to have your selenium tested before even thinking about taking iodine. If you're selenium deficient you aren't going to be able to use the iodine correctly. And even if you supplement with iodine and selenium to correct your deficiencies, it still needs to be handled with care. You can't just go gobbling it down Willy-nilly. You need a doctor who is knowledgable in these things.
And if you aren't even hypo, you could make yourself hypo by ingesting excessive iodine. Or make yourself hyper. Or induce Hashi's. Or even thyroid cancer.
I know not everyone will agree with this - I've had this discussion so many times - but that's my opinion, and I'm not alone in thinking that way.
Hugs, Grey
So if you are on T3 only and the conversion from T4 hasn't taken place will the levels of iodine levels be affected ??
Well, yes. T3 contains three atoms of iodine. When it's converted to T2, one atom of iodine is released etc. Same with converting to T1. Not as much as when you start with T4, but still enough I would say.
Have a look at this, it mentions iodine :
Thanks so much for the info. Yes, I do take 125mcg and my Sister takes 150mcg both of us are on Synthroid at the moment. I sent her the information and also suggested she become a member of this group. I have found the postings very informative. I was diagnosed almost 20 years ago and am overwhelmed by all the info that is out there now. I am trying to read and 'digest' all of that info so that I can make good decisions and with everyone's help here I hope to do that. Thanks again.