Hello, everyone. I would like to ask your help in finding an Endocrinologist in Scotland that won't ask me for a GP referral.
I have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (since 1997) and when I was living in Italy I had an Endocrinologist following my case and advising me on the necessary therapy. I was feeling quite well and I didn't have any major issues. Since I moved to Scotland 5 years ago, my GP is forcing me to reduce my thyroxin dosage every few months, making me feel unwell with many symptoms (quick and unexplained weight gain, puffy face, insomnia, tiredness for no apparent reason, hair loss). I have asked my GP to refer me to an Endocrinologist many times, but he doesn’t want to.
I would like to find an Endocrinologist here in Scotland who would be willing to give me an appointment without referral from my GP.
What makes this need more urgent is the fact that my husband and I are trying to conceive, and thyroid hormone plays a critical role during pregnancy. Thank you in advance for your help, and I do apologize for my not very good English.