Hi everyone, a couple of Hashi's questions if that's okay - I was diagnosed November/December last year.
I have been advised by endo a course of Carbimazole for 18 months (20mg p/day). At my last titre my TFT had evened out really well already and I (probably being very naive) can't help feeling like I would go hypo on it way before 18 months comes around? I am due another titre soon. What happens if I do go hypo? Does it then remain in a hypo state?
My second question is about bodily aches and pains, mostly at my bottom middle rib area which has been present for a while. The endo said maybe musculoskeletal from losing such a lot of weight. Sometimes the pain really impinges my daily activities. I've also been experiencing some trapped-wind like feelings in my stomach and cramp-like pains too. I also 'jerk' a muscle so easily I'm scared to move any way but forward! These pains don't seem to be getting better or necessarily worse on the medication, but they're bloomin' sore! What could they be? Would something like massage help these pains?
It might be helpful to add that my original pain before being diagnosed was in my upper back and shoulders and crippling some days but it has all but disappeared since starting Carbimazole!
Many thanks in advance.