The last time I was here I was talking about crashing depression which was horrific. I had just begun taking 25mcgs of levo and having a very tough time.
I've slowly titrated up to 50mcgs which is where I have been for the last 6 days.
Well it's been a bit of a bumpy ride so far but I have managed it. For the last 3 years I've been taking ERFA until that went belly up. Then switched to Armour which was a disaster.
In the past I was never able to tolerate levo. NEVER. Couldn't even get 12.5mcgs in without feeling dreadful. So from there to here is a big step.
This morning I felt a decided improvement. Chatty, sociable, positive. I have not felt like this in a long time. Naturally by 3pm I was exhausted again and have just woken from a 4hr sleep. But the point I'm making is that I've made a baby step forward.
I'm incredibly sensitive to medication so I shall stay on this dosage for another six weeks, get bloods done and then add in another 12.5mcgs if the GP says raise it. A raise of 25mcgs is just too much for me to manage in one step. When I was on ERFA I was taking 1 and 3/4 grains so comparatively I've a long way to go yet.
Let's be clear. I still feel emotionally unstable. Energy bad, aching , shaky, dreadful sinus and the rest of the usual BUT I can feel progress!!!
It has taken 8 weeks to climb to 50mcgs.