Hi folks, am asking on behalf of a friend. Can't get diagnosed but very ill with apparant hypothyroidism. Could you PM me with the names of any half decent Endos from the Surrey area? Many thanks.
Endos near Surrey: Hi folks, am asking on behalf... - Thyroid UK
Endos near Surrey

have you emailed Louise for the current list?
Thanks, yes I have the list. Was hoping for a more personal recommendation really. I don't know the lady well at all, just know that she is very, very poorly and has already been dismissed by one Endo. TSH normal, Free T4 below range. Enlarged red cells and all the hypo symptoms.
The more replies, the more audience.
Free T4 below range should be actioned (never mind TSH)
- can she go back to doc with some info for ammunition?
(btw due to PT & rubbish TSH - I self treated for a year then went off NDT/T3 = diagnosis)
I have dug out the relevant info but not to take to this Endo. I dont think there's any value in returning to the scene of that crime. Perhaps GP. Do you mean you had a pituitary tumour sparerib?
blimey, I hope not (but Dad did)
no a Partial Thyroidectomy, sorry for the confusion - after 3 years, couldn't stand feeling crap any longer so self-medicated, yet still wanted a 'proper' diagnosis - actually I haven't got one - just was told to 'collect my prescription'.. like a good little girl...
if I hadn't been hanging around this forum for 4 years annoying folk, I may have been spooked....with being offered free prescriptions n'all...
Anyone in Surrey?
Hey, what's Dr Mc's new book like?
How on earth can they not diagnose you when they have removed half your thyroid? It's crazy. They tried that with me too, but as I had emergency second surgery 24 hours after the first one, losing parathyroids and damaging the remaining half of thyroid, I put it to them they were probably better off selling popcorn than practicing endocrinology and too give me the damn drugs. I must have appeared deranged
Just got my copy yesterday, it's bloomin brilliant! Should be required reading for ALL medical professionals and patients especially.
Sorry Lorraine, I hope this doesn't sound intrusive, but I just wanted to suggest that there may be a better way than an endo. Do you know what your friend's test results look like? Or do you know if your friend has copies of the results which you could post here?
I only ask because an endo - or 90% of them - won't help unless they consider some element of the thyroid test to be abnormal, even though we know that you can feel terrible and all your tests can look fine. Endos are often more obstructive and inflexible than a gp would be.
puncturedbicyle you are not being intrusive at all! I totally and utterly agree with you and have made the suggestion of Dr P and a naturopath I know is excellent. It's desperate stages though. Some folk need a diagnosis and can't seem to veer off that path until they get one. I'd rather eat my own body weight in flies than trust an Endo again
Although, having said that, if anyone knows of any excellent docs who are NOT endos (shouldn't be hard, har har) I'd love the names of those too.