At last, our paper on the disjoints between T4 therapy, T3 and TSH response is accepted in Hormone & Metabolic Research. This sentence might sum it all up: "Regulatory and capacity deficiencies collectively impair T3 homeostasis in L-T4-treated patients". In other words T4 mono therapy is an artificial and inadequate therapy for at least some hypothyroid patients especially those with little or no remaining thyroid who are also poorer natural tissue/T4-T3 converters. There is a lot more in the text supporting this. Next in line is coming down from Mount Olympus (i.e. academic ivory tower) to relating our findings to diagnostic and therapeutic indications for adequate treatment, and the relationship of this to how individuals convert T4 to T3 in their tissues and the relationship between thyroid T3 output and tissue conversion of T4. This needs yet another carefully planned trial. In short, trying to integrate what you already know with rigid scientific findings. The only way I fear to respectability and more general acceptance.
Paper now accepted: At last, our paper on the... - Thyroid UK
Paper now accepted

Is this something we will be able to read Diogenes?

Do you have any idea when it will appear?
Soon I hope. As soon as I get the doi internet number from Rudolf Hoermann, this means the paper is now generally available there and in the public domain. I'll get the MS in the final form from him, send it to Louise Warvill or Lyn Mynott as an attachment and they can then post it on TUK. We've got a lot of work in front of us to bring it all down to practical earth.
Congratulations, Diogenes, and thank you. As a thyroidectomised non-converter I salute you and look forward to reading the full article.
Great news. I am one of those with no thyroid and it is brilliant to know that there is an identifiable reason for my doing so poorly on T4 only. Thank you!
Congratulations - very exciting!
Thank you for the work you are doing! Look forward to reading your paper.
Thank you x

What one of my coauthors has said:
Dear Rudolf,
thanks, this is very good news! Our new paper is an exceptionally important publication, which has both physiological and clinical implications. I am happy that we were finally successful in getting it published, and I am sure that it will have a major impact on thyroidology.
Johannes Dietrich
Congratulations to your and your Team. I am really touched that there are still sympathetic and caring scientists/doctors who are doing their damnedest to improve the health of people with a thyroid gland dysfunction.
What a nice New Year gift.
Diogenes, I look forward to reading it. Please let Drs. Hoermann and Dietrich know how much all your efforts are appreciated. PR
Great work by you and your team, it's much appreciated. Thank you.
Brilliant news-well done to all concerned!
This looks to be a really positive step forward into the reasons behind hypothyroidism symptoms. Understanding the body's processes, and what to test for to explain the variation in individuals responses, is a better approach than measuring the cheapest easiest tests and medicating by "guesstimate".
It is a pity that hypothyroidism research is underfunded, especially when some (a small percentage?) go on to develop other autoimmune responses, possibly as a result of hypothyroidism. I suspect that my diabetes (now well controlled) was given a strong push by under active thyroid.
My normal body temperature has always been "one degree under" according to my mother (in deg F). Over 50 years later and hypothyroid I find that this is a classic low thyroid symptom...
I'm Diabetic Type 2 and hypothyroid (diagnosed at the same time as the confirming Hb1Ac test - good spot by the GP I thought). I'm now off any diabetic medicine but have had T3 increased. So it appears that the combination of T3 treatment plus diet and exercise has helped me. I suspect (but can't prove) that hypothyroidism was a contributing factor to diabetes.
From other's posts, I sympathise with those that can't convert T3 to T4. I hope that research such as this produces a way forward to improve their lives.
So pleased that your paper has been accepted and greatly look forward to reading it. Seen Endo this afternoon and hope that it will be available for me to take to my next appointment as he seems quite an approachable chap (a new one).
Thanks to you and your team ,look forward to reading your paper.
I am looking forward to reading your paper. I am awaiting an appointment with an endo and hope I will be able to take a copy of your research with me.
My thanks to you and your team or the research and congratulations on getting the paper published.