I've increased the dose from 40 to 50 mg of liothyronine.
feel pooped
numbness is getting worse, feel brain fog, confusion
I've increased the dose from 40 to 50 mg of liothyronine.
feel pooped
numbness is getting worse, feel brain fog, confusion
Hi have you recently increased your dose? Tell me a bit more ..I may be able to advise as I'm on lyothiorine too
yes i just increased it to 10mg
but i got low b12 and very low vit d and high iron
Your B complex will not give you adequate levels of B12 - so you need to try a good one like Jarrow methycobalamin 1000mcg and take one twice a day. Chew and hold under the tongue for as long as possible. Do you have absorption problems ? I have read that smoking and drinking can lower B12 levels - as can mal-absorption - and other things too.
Flash, I think you probably ought to ring 111 and seek some medical advice. There's a real possibility that something is going on here that has nothing to do with medication. The numbness we talk about with B12 deficiency and hypo symptoms doesn't have such a rapid onset. Hopefully you aren't alone this evening?