I am on 400mg a day of thyroxine but feel awful!! I feel dizzy constantly, have hand cramps, tired, bloated, eyes feel heavy constantly and don't know what to do next???
I am on 400mg a day of thyroxine but feel awful!! I feel dizzy constantly, have hand cramps, tired, bloated, eyes feel heavy constantly and don't know what to do next???
Welcome Louiseu
I am sorry you are so unwell but now is the time to take your own health into your own hands. First, if you can get a print-out from the surgery of your most recent blood test results for your thyroid gland. T4, T3, TSH. with the ranges and post on a new question. If you've not had one for a while, make the earliest appointment and don't take levothyroxine before it, take it after. If you have a breakfast, leave 2 hours before taking levo and 2 hours after, so that your stomach is empty.
If you have to get a new blood test also ask Free T4, and Free T3 and also Vitamin B12, Vitamin D,iron, ferritin and folate to be done as well, these can cause pain and other symptoms too if deficient. GP may not do free T's but you can always ask. Are you treated by the GP or an Endocrinologist?
Do you take levothyroxine first thing with 1 glass of water and not eat for around 1 hour.
Welcome to the forum, Louiseu.
Can you post recent thyroid results with lab ref ranges (the figures in brackets after your results) which will help members to advise whether you are optimally medicated.
If you don't have them ask your GP receptionist to print off a copy for you and post them in a new question.
400mcg Levothyroxine is a high dose and if it isn't relieving your hypothyroid symptoms you may need the addition of Liothyronine (T3) added to a reduced dose of Levothyroxine.
As the others have said, 400 mcg is a high dose, and your meds need to be taken on an empty stomach. Is there any chance you're taking it with coffee? That, and anything that lowers stomach acid (like antacids), will effectively lower any dose you take. Have you seen this? tiredthyroid.com/blog/2014/...
You may be on to high dose
Do u know what the different levels of the above should be , as some things mentioned I havent heard of