I take 0.137 Levothyroxine daily, will extra Iodine supplement Lugol's 2.0 oz (3 drops daily) be detremental to my situation.
Iodine Supplement: I take 0.137 Levothyroxine... - Thyroid UK
Iodine Supplement
Hi sublawneq,
I have Hashimotos and many people suggest keeping well away from iodine, but I've found the reverse to be true. If you look up the research carried out by the late Dr. Guy Abraham and the work of Dr. David Brownstein you'll see that there are many benefits to taking iodine when you suffer with thyroid problems. There are books explaining iodine protocols and I've found the site healyourselfathome.com to be very useful.
I'm only about half way to iodine sufficiency at the moment, but I've already noticed benefits. It's important to take selenium and I find the recommended sea salt beneficial too.
I'd suggest doing your own research because a lot of the controversy over iodine seems to stem from a time when the big pharmaceutical companies tried to make medicines containing iodine which didn't work and the iodine was blamed rather than the ingredients they added.
If you'd like any more details please send me a message,
Hi, I've managed to start reducing my NDT slightly so at the moment I'd say it's working exactly as Dr. Brownstein suggests. Glad you're feeling energised. I think you'll notice a lot of positives as your body gets more and more iodine.
Copied and pasted from the 'Heal Yourself' website....Thyroid hormone medications (e.g. Synthroid)
♦ Long-term use of these drugs depletes thyroid and tissue iodine levels - and is associated with increased cancer rates. Fluorescent scanning of the thyroid clearly shows how drug and other medical thyroid therapies deplete the gland and body of critical iodine.
Synthroid or other thyroid-destructive therapies should never be taken without iodine therapy to ensure whole body iodine sufficiency
I too have started Lugols iodine oral dosing on approx 10-15mg day, I am mildly hypo.
I have just a few weeks ago started on WP NDT, currently on 1 grain/day split over doses.
The question I have is that do I need to leave a gap between the NDT dosing and iodine ? Also what about taking other supplements (providing they don't contain Vit D, iron, calcium) can I take them at the same time as NDT ? I would prefer to do that as I have to wait until much later in the day otherwise.
I'm sure you've resolved this by now but I've been taking 500mcg iodine / day with WP Thyroid for 17 months with no apparent ill effects. Higher dosages are apparently harmful (cancer if memory serves). NDT is meant to be taken on an empty stomach so I've never tried taking any other supplements with it.
Be careful with rock calcium - it tends to end up in plaque in blood vessels rather than in bones.