Can you have a normal t3 and abnormal rt3 ?
rt3: Can you have a normal t3 and abnormal rt3 ? - Thyroid UK

I did last year. My free T3 was in range but close to the top of the range. My rT3 was way over the range. My free T4 was over the range by a tiny amount. I was very ill with a non-thyroid problem when it happened and I was probably highly resistant to thyroid hormone at the time. So the levothyroxine I was taking was swilling around in my bloodstream doing nothing at all. Unused T4 was being converted to T3 and reverse T3. But none of these hormones were having any impact on making me less hypo - I don't think it was getting into my tissues at all.
Hi Humanbean ,can I ask how you resolved the problem ?
I took T3 on its own for a few months. I was extremely resistant to it to begin with and took high doses for a couple of months. Then I went hyper and ended up taking very small doses for a few months. Then I came off thyroid meds altogether for three months (not fun!) and now I'm taking NDT. This is what I am hoping to stay on for the long-term, but time will tell. After three months with no thyroid meds I re-tested everything and my rT3 was in the upper half of the reference range, higher than I would have liked, but at least it was still in range. It will be interesting to see what happens with NDT but I have no plans to do another test for several months.
Yes you can , RT3 comes from T4 only whether that be from your own thyroid gland or synthetic
There are many reasons for elevated Rt3 eg too much t4 when taking t3 or vica versa
The body naturally makes RT3 as a way of getting rid of excess it thinks it doesn't need there is a good article on and loads on stop the thyroid madness websites about it
Yes you can I have high rt3 and so called normal t3.