Have just seen my X-Ray this week .....no doubt about it ....old age wear and tear in my left kneecap.
I've opted for Physio sessions as a first step before entertaining injections or surgery.
Does anyone take Glucosamine and Chondroitin for joint problems?
I would be interested in the best thing to use and how much ?
I have already bought some Rose Hip capsules.
I've had many years of muscle and joint pain which I tended to blame on being left under medicated on 50 mcgs T4 for over 10years,which my GP ignored saying there was nothing wrong with my thyroid.Thankfully things have improved since then.
It has always been a problem knowing what is thyroid related and what is the ageing process once past the menopause.
Hopefully our doctors will start listening to our symptoms one day and stop treating their computer screens!!
I once had a GP who told me that when he goes upstairs to God,he was going to ask him why he made women's hormones so different to men!!!!!!!!!.............
Thanks for any information x