I vividly remember, it was on the 4th of August, that I fainted( was unconscious for 3-5 seconds) and ever since everything feels weird.It is kinda hard to describe(foggy, spaced out, dull).I've undergone numerous tests( MRI, ct scan, blood tests) all of which came out normal, except vitamin d3 and b12 which are (12.6 and 189 ). I've started taking supplements 6 weeks ago( 4000IU d3 and 2000 mcg b12). I've even taken 5 b12 injections. I see absolutely no improvement.Though I'm able to do everything that I used to earlier, it feels different. The very fact that all this has started immediately after the fainting spell is causing worries, I need to know that this is not permanent, it's been haunting me 3 months now (24 *7). All this has nothing to do with depression or anxiety, cos it started immediately after the fainting spell. I wasn't drunk or anything when that happened and it was the first time I had fainted in years.Plz help
Spaced out/ dull/ weird feeling.plzz help - Thyroid UK
Spaced out/ dull/ weird feeling.plzz help

Have you had thyroid function tests? If so, what were the results? Are you on thyroid meds already? If so what dose? More info please will help members to comment.
All others are absolutely normal....I had undergone
T3 - 0.98
T4 - 9.3
TSH - 2.34
All are in normal range, I'm worried as to why all of this has started immediately after a fainting spell.
Thanks for the reply
Do you have reference ranges, as these results are not ones with which I am familiar? What dose are you on?
If they are ones I know, your levels are not good. Your doctor may say normal but that is not optimum. TSH is high and others too low.
It is best to put the ranges of the results of your blood tests as labs differ but I will say your TSH is too high for you to feel well. Doctors mistakenly believe that when the TSH is in 'normal' range that their job done. These tests don't correlate when someone is taking thyroid hormones.
If you email louise.warvill@thyroiduk.org and ask for a copy of Dr Toft's Pulse Online article, question 6 will inform your GP what to aim for, i.e. very low or suppressed TSH.
Hi Ani
I am sorry you have been having health problems. It's even more worrying for you if the problem isn't diagnosed.
Your Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 could, in themselves, cause problems and it takes a long time for them to build up sufficiently to improve your health. It has probably taken years to drop below the guidelines and will take time to build up again. You cannot overdose on B12 as the excess is excreted in your urine. For instance, when we have an injection of B12, in around 24 hours about 3/4 will be excreted as our body only takes up only what it requires.
Although we say 'Vitamin B12' it is actually a hormone which we cannot live without and which can cause serious health problems if not at an optimum level. (I wonder if doctors are aware of this - sometimes I doubt it). Did your doctor check why you had a B12 deficiency or maybe pernicious anaemia? Double check with him that you don't have either. For both Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 our levels should be in the upper part of the range not halfway down or below. B12 deficiency can cause neurological problems.
If you supplement with B12 tablets sublingual are usually best but must be methylcobalamin:-
Next, did your doctor do a blood test for your thyroid gland hormones? If he did, get a copy of your blood test results from the surgery and post on a new question, make sure the ranges are stated. We are entitled to copies of our blood tests and just ask at Surgery and always get a copy for your own records. Some charge a nominal sum for paper/ink.
You may only have had a TSH test done and some doctors go by that alone instead of also checking T4, T3 too.
If he hasn't done a test at all ask him for a Full Thyroid Function Test. Labs sometimes don't do T3 if others are in range but T3 is the active hormone that allows us to function normally as it runs our metabolism. You can always get a private T3 test done.
We instinctively know if our bodies are out of sinc so it is good that you are searching.
Best wishes
This isn't very thyroid based but I have a friend who is in her seventies. One morning on her way downstairs to get the post she stood on the hem of her dressing gown and fell down the stairs, she eventually woke up and all she could see was legs - postman, neighbours, her husband and the ambulance crew.
She was taken to hospital and patched up and had heart tests because the doctors were convinced she had fallen because she had fainted because of her heart, not sure why they decided that because she was perfectly fit and used to cycle for miles every week, plus she kept telling them that she could remember realising she had caught her foot on her dressing gown, but the medical machine had gone into action and it had decided it was her heart that was the problem not her head and no one would look at her head until they had exhausted all heart possibilities.
Several months later still with a woozy head and with her heart still being investigated she was taking recycling to the bottle bank when she felt a bit rough and very cold, unfortunately while driving home she crashed her car into a road sign. She was taken off in an ambulance and again had more heart tests although she was still convinced the problem was connected with her head.
She said she got a whooshing sensation in her head, and felt spaced out and dizzy. Often when she was speaking to me she used to have to hold on to a wall to stop herself falling over, the doctors were still looking for a heart problem and she still felt the problem was her head , eventually she got her doctor to refer her for physio and after a lot of physiotherapy on her neck etc her head now feels normal. she takes levo for a slightly underactive thyroid but that didn't seem to be part of her problem, she was convinced it was when she banged her head when she fell.
What you are describing sounds do like how she used to describe how she felt. Could you have banged your head when you fell?
My friend is absolutely fine now, she is back to doing all the things she used to do and her head feels absolutely normal now but it took a very long time and a lot of effort and physiotherapy on her neck and head to get there and she felt extremely low for a long time.
I can imagine how you are feeling and I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks a lot everyone for extending support.Just to mention, i dint bang my head when i fell down, it was just a minor fainting spell though i was unconscious for about 5 seconds, and bam the next moment my head is all messed up. It's like Im on an autopilot mode, which most definitely is not due to anxiety. I need assurance that all of this is temporary, Im ready to go to any extent.
THANKS A LOT everyone
Sounds like whatever it was that caused you to faint has caused your woozy head.
Hopefully you will be like my friend and your head will clear up. She started line dancing to 'train her body' and took me with her, she thought having to force her brain to follow a routine would help it, some nights she used to have to sit down. i was always exhausted by night time and I only went because she was so much older than me and not well and I felt a total wimp saying I was tired.
Then one night when we were crossing a local dual carriageway in the dark I had a near miss with a car that was going seriously fast. I got such a fright because I knew I wasn't right that I booked in to speak to my doctor next morning, I had a blood test the following day and the day after that I got a message from my GP to say I had a very overactive thyroid with antibodies, she had left a prescription for Carbimazole at reception, she had arranged for me to see a consultant and could I come back in a month for more blood tests.
Turned out that my not feeling at all good was Graves Disease. So my poor friend and her woozy head actually led to me being diagnosed. I had already seen another doctor about three months before that who told me I needed a holiday.
Anyway, enough from me. What about cranial osteopathy? Or some gentle physiotherapy?
Thanks a lot!! (fruitandnutcase) I definitely will take whatever uve told quite seriously. And I appreciate ur effort in making me feel better with all ur positivity. Can I connect with you on another platform, I'd really like to take ur suggestions forth and start acting upon them. Thanks a ton!
At the end of April i fainted whilst shaving,i woke up wondering what the buzzing my ear was .Luckily i missed the bathroom appliances. It was the last day of a holiday in Portugal and i had a very bad chest infection. I had never fainted before in 68 yrs. The doc wrote to a neurologist,possibly like me, wondering about brain tumour. The neurologist said it was dehydration. Diagnosis by email ! But i have been dehydrated before without fainting .I had mentioned that my balance seemed awry but had put it down to age. The doc tested my ears without result.I mentioned that i was going for a much put off cholesterol test so the doc decided to ask for some more tests.
TSH :102
T4: 1.9
My Tsh is now 1.9 but T4 was not tested last week as the previous test had been more comprehensive but the doc could not make sense of the conflicting results. The endo told him they would not make sense until TSH was lower, it was 3.1 then.
Looking back for two years : very loud snoring/ sleep apnoea leading to dental device for sleeping,my veering walk and balance issues,socks in bed in June, wife asking if i had been plucking my eyebrows, a croaky voice, and by the time i was diagnosed slurred speech , careless about cleanliness of clothes or self and incresingly aggressive. Hindsight is wonderful.
Just raised my Levo. to 125 mcg ,am miles better but still struggle up inclines and steps.
Fainting was what took me to the doc. It is likely that you also are hypothyroid even with that TSH.