after the brilliant idea on this site earlier this year I arrainged for the office to send me a collection box for my local p.o./shop to place 1 on their counter and have had 1 in my place . since then I have paid into the tuk bank approx. £70+ ......I now have another £25 winging its way to the bank today ...........why don't you get on board this superb idea to raise much needed funds for this OUR SITE and show the good people our support for them ..........alan xxxxxxx
COLLECTION BOXES ...............: after the... - Thyroid UK
COLLECTION BOXES ...............

Excellent Alan!
More info about Thyroid UK collection boxes and how to get them is here
Well done Alan are a true supporter.
My box is sitting on my kitchen worktop with loose change that has gone nowhere and I shall now do something about it and get myself organised. Thanks for geeing me up x

I will ALWAYS support all those that have and do support me & mine ...... and this site has a place that cannot be taken away EVER .....alan xx...... p.s. if only some others had the same sense of gratitude ??????
I sometimes feels like a hard push doesn't it but well worth it.
Thankfully,the spirit is willing......even if the body doesn't always respond so well.
Was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my Knee joint yesterday by a Physio who clearly did not make any crossover between muscular problems and thyroid issues. I could obviously see a bit of wear and tear on my X-Ray but couldn't help wondering how much joint problems can also be due to non diagnosis and then under dosing of thyroid problems over many years?
Anyway,hope you keep as well as you can...take care.

its not that hard a push ..... I have my own health problems [ not thyroid related ] for some years now , and my attitude is and always will be '''' there are some people out there that need lifting on & off the loo to have a wee --- I aint that bad YET '''''' so what have I got to worry about ...... apart from trying to send some of that bloody good karma out where its needed , it will return in this life or another .....that be the ethos of stingray !!!!!!......I hope you & yours are keeping as well as can be .......alan xx
Alan, thankfully your brain works very well and it is a brilliant idea.
Just to say that we can also raise funds by collecting used stamps, recycling jewellery, ink cartridges etc. Details under Fundraising (left-hand column) in
Thanks lovely! xxx
Hi Alan, good to know you still collecting. I am still using my Jam jar but it all helps. I agree with you this site is invaluable. I await in anticipation the result of your "Ali can" competition. Still time to enter those who have not entered. Take care x
well done you for putting the germ in ' this old grey matter ' about the boxes ---- that's about £100 ish so far ........ the cans are going well ---- next 2 weeks [ weather permitting -- I have to get them from the back through the house and then onto the lorry ..........onwards and upwards .....WE WILL ALWAYS GET THERE IF WE WANT TO !!!!!!!!!!.....alan xxxxx