Hi all, Am sathya. Need help my wife took a blood and found that she has high TSH(11.44) and T3 and T4 are normal. we are in TTC for past few months. Just wanted to know whether its curable, if so how long it takes? does it affect fertility? My wife is really worried about this, pls help us. Thanks in advance
Hypothyroidism: Hi all, Am sathya. Need help my... - Thyroid UK

Hi, It depends on the cause as to whether hypothyroidism is cureable, but it is managed well when you get the correct medication. What is TTC? Fertility can be restored with the correct dosage of thyroid medication.
Hi, you didnt provide enough info in order to get a suitable advice. What are the actual numbers of the free T4 and free T3 results? Does your wife have any concerns? Do you find it difficult to get pregnant?
The thing is TSH is produced by the pituitory, not the thyroid gland so the issue with high TSH might also be due to pituitory malfunction.
We are trying to get pregnant, it didn't happen yet.
I dunno whether they took t3 and t4 level. but v moving out of country so they just mailed me the report. They took 2 test prolactin and TSH.
Prolactin is 21.9 and TSH is 11.44
What are the ranges for prolactin?
its 21.9
I mean the lab's reference ranges.
sorry, its 4.8 - 23.3
Its in the an upper limit. The reason for my question is that prolactin has very unstable levels and should be measured at least 2-3 times (preferrably on the 4th and 6th days of the cycle). It may vary from being in the upper limit of the ranges to going over that limit. I usually had quite an increase in my prolactin levels on the 6th day. Hyperprolactinemia would explain some of the problems (like heavy bleeding).
oh this test was taken 13th day of the cycle, can the levels be controlled by taking medicine ?
Yes, they can, but first you need to make sure that it is elevated - test prolactin on 3-4th and 6th day of the cycle. 3 measurements will give you a fuller picture. It should be done in the morning between 8-9 on an empty stomach. No excercising and sex 24 hours before that (it increases prolactin). On an empty stomach. Try to have at least 10-15 min of sitting and resting before drawing blood. For me, a consistantly elevated 1 out of 3-4 tests a month has guaranteed a diagnosis hyperprolactinemia. You really should exclude it before trying to get pregnant. It takes at least 6-12 months to correct it if it exists. Good luck!
Sathya, High TSH can make conception difficult and increases the risk of miscarriage. It's recommended that TSH should be 0.4-2.0 in women trying to conceive and pregnant women in order to ensure good foetal development. Make sure your wife discusses her plans to start a family with her GP. She may be advised to delay until her TSH is lower.
Ooo, I like this link, Clutter, thank you - I will be printing out some of the information and passing it nicely to my endo when I see her. We are having some "interesting" discussions about dosage, and I think she needs to do some reading.
Beansmummy, that link is about TSH in pregnancy. Scroll down to Guidelines and Treatment Options to read Dr. A. Toft's comments thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/about_...
thanks clutter, I dunno much about this.
she had taken two test so far. Prolactin(Menorrohagia) for heavy bleeding,fertility and TSH test .
her prolactin is normal and TSH is 11.44
Sathyadev, I assume your wife has been prescribed Levothyroxine for her underactive thyroid. Starting dose is usually between 50mcg and 100mcg. She should have a follow up thyroid blood test 4/6 weeks after starting Levothyroxine as her dose will probably need increasing. Increases/decreases are usually in 25mcg increments until TSH is in the lower range. Follow up blood tests should follow 6/8 weeks after every dose change until stable. When your wife becomes pregnant her dose should be increased by 25mcg to 50mcg so the baby can develop well and to avoid your wife suffering post-partum thyroiditis.
Levothyroxine should be taken with water on an empty stomach one hour before or two hours after food and drink, two hours away from other medication and supplements and four hours away from calcium and iron.
Thanks all for the reply, after taking eltroxin 100mcg my wife's tsh is under now it's 0.99
Doctor has suggested to continue eltroxin 75 mcg, now we are trying to get pregnant