hypothyroidism for 20 plus years and taking levy thyroxine is it ok to add a thyroid supplement to my daily routine to help get a handle on this. I have read there are so many benefits any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hypothyroidism : hypothyroidism for 20 plus years... - Thyroid UK

Depends on the thyroid supplement. Most of them are rubbish, and can do more harm that good. I've never seen one that would actually help. Did you have a particular one in mind?
I was looking into one called ThyNatural as of now I take 125mg of levy thyroxine and I’m not sure if just adding the specific vitamins and minerals that I’m prone to be deficient in would be my best route or adding a thyroid supplement I just know I have to do something I’m done feeling tired and yucky all the time I’m run down
ThyNatural contains an awful lot of iodine, and iodine is the last thing you want right now. If you are taking 125 mcg levo, you are already getting over 80 mcg iodine a day. Plus what you get from your food. Iodine in excess is anti-thyroid, used to be used to treat hyperthyroidism before things like Carbimazole were invented. So, could make you much much worse. It can also cause other complications like thyroid cancer.
ThyNatural contains zinc and copper. And, whilst the two do need to be balanced, hypos are usually low in zinc and high in copper, so adding more copper is not a good idea. One should always get tested before taking copper.
It contains magnesium oxide, which is the least bioavailable form of magnesium, so you won't get any benefit from that.
It contains cyanocobalamin which is the least absorbable form of B12.
It contains soy, which is an absolute no-no for hypos.
And, it contains Ashwagandha, which doesn't suit everyone. So, it's a bit of a gamble taking it.
All in all, it's a pretty awful multi! I don't know how much it costs, but I can assure you, it's not worth it.
Thank you so much for giving me braking this down for me before I spend money I don’t have on something that won’t help, I really want to get a hold on this disease I’m hate feeling yucky and depressed and sluggish I want my happy self back with energy I’m willing to do whatever it takes for myself and my kiddos to get there momma back
I’m also realizing your food choices are very important all the time for me I do good for along time and then I get complacent and start grabbing the easy food with no nutritional value and they seem to the cheapest however it contributes to me hurting myself and my condition even more in the long run it’s a catch 22 at times
Hypos tend to be low in nutrients because they have low stomach acid, so it doesn't just depend on your diet. By far the best thing is to get your vit D, vit B12, folate and ferritin tested, and draw up a protocol of supplements according to the results, rather than taking a bunch of random, dubious nutrients in a multi. People here can help you decide on what you really need.
But, more important to my mind, is what you don't need! And what can do you harm.

Do you have any recent blood test results you can add?
TSH, Ft4 and ft3 plus both TPO and TG Thyroid antibodies plus vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12
Low vitamin levels are extremely common, especially if you have autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's) diagnosed by raised Thyroid antibodies
You may need to get full Thyroid testing privately as NHS refuses to test TG antibodies if TPO antibodies are negative
Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and before eating or drinking anything other than water .
Last dose of Levothyroxine 24 hours prior to blood test. (taking delayed dose immediately after blood draw).
This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip, best not mentioned to GP or phlebotomist)
See your GP and and ask them test or get full testing privately
Are you in the UK?
My tsh level as of 2/24/20 was .814
Just testing TSH is completely inadequate
You need Full thyroid and vitamin testing
I have a calling to my doctor right now so I will ask about that when she calls me back thank you very very much for that tip
I should also add that I had the gastric sleeve done back in May so my stomach is really small so I don’t eat a lot of food as it is so on top of not getting the vitamins through my food nutritional life I am not getting it through my thyroid medicine either I’m just trying to figure out what my body is lacking and what it really needs to start feeling better because I’ve lost over hundred pounds so I’m getting my weight under control but my thyroid is nowhere near under control and it’s a catch 22 all the way around it’s very draining at times
You presumably should be on vitamin supplements after gastric sleeve
Certainly they need regular monitoring
Low B12, folate, ferritin and vitamin D all impact on our ability to utilise thyroid hormones