After my depressing post yesterday, I managed to get an appointment today with another doc in the practice.
My goodness he was brilliant! I had my 1st b12 jab today and appointments for another 4 for now.
He also sent me for more blood tests ( quite a few not sure what)
He is also contacting a gastro whatever in case I need referring.
WOW I was so worried!
The question is this I take my Levo at 6·30
I take Angitil for supposed A f at 8·AM and 8pm
I take Eliquis (a new anti-coagulent ) at 10AM approx and 9pm
When can I take the ferrous fumarate. That has been prescribed twice a day.
I know I have read it before, but having the attention span of a gnat
:·( at the moment, will someone please advise ?
Thanks in anticipation