Hello all
Not sure if these updates are any use to anyone but I'll keep plugging away!
6 weeks on from the radioactive iodine treatment for my overactive thyroid and I'm feeling pretty yuck...although not through going underactive!
I have been feeling pretty rotten the last couple of weeks, tired, dizzy, nauseaus, wobbly and weak. My Endo rang me to check in 3 weeks after the RAI and he was a bit annoyed the RAI consultant hadn't started me back on carbimazole, so I started back on it on a fairly low dose.
My follow up appointment with the Endo on Tuesday (with blood tests) showed my TSH levels were at 0.02 mu/L and my T4 at 44.5 pmol/L. He said this was much higher than when I was first diagnosed in 2011 and no wonder I was feeling so ill! He gave me a bit of a talking to about looking after myself and taking it easy. A fair point as in between commuting and a busy job I have been rushing around as normal and trying to ignore my symptoms!
So now I'm on 40mg of carbimazole a day and a two week course of propanalol (20mg 3 x a day), am not looking forward to latter as it made me so ill last time.
The Endo also said he finds the consultants that do the RAI often oversell how quickly the process works. I'd been expecting to be underactive by now but he said it could be up to 4 months before I need any thyroxine...
Anyhoo feeling pretty grim at the moment but hoping it will start to get better when the carbimazole kicks in!