Hi I am taking liothyronine at present 40 mcg . I trialled adding thyroxine slowly building it up but even though I had been on it before I started to feel really ill . so I went back to just t3 after 6 weeks . this was 4 weeks ago when I cut out the t4 . I still don't feel back to my previous state on t3 only .
I went to my consultant today and as my t3 bloods are just above normal t3 range he sai my only other option was to try armour thyroid .
I am scared because the change to t3 an t4 made me ill and I cant miss work . on the other hand I would love to feel better than I do .
my questions I guess then are ;
1) is the transition just stop t3 one day and start armour the next or is it wean on and wean off with an overlap of both
2) could this make me ill whilst settling in to new regime /getting dose right an so is a weeks holiday enough an the time to do it
3) if it makes me ill will changing back solve this quickly
4) what is the normal dose conversion from 40 mcg t3 to armour
5) can I get it on the nhs (gp willing excepted)
6) if have to get private how much is it and where do I get it and is it ever not available
7) any advice on how , when to take armour
yours scared and thinking better the devil I know caz x