Hi all
I have made the switch to Armour, currently on 3 grains, only just started this week.
I have been having B12 injections and taking vitamin C, Methyl folate, Thyroid support vitamin and a multi vitamin too.
I wanted to take a good quality b12 sublingual too, as Dr want me to have B12 retested in 3 months time, before giving more injections.
I also though about adding in the Nutri adrenal support, do you think this is safe to do so or overload?
Since beginning the 3 grain, yesterday, I do feel a little weird, but then I think I remember feeling like that when I increased last time.
Thoughts oh wise ones
Oh, by the way since switching I feel much better then I did! Yeah! Think I still have a way to go to get to "my" point of balance.