Hi everyone. I'm 20 years old and I was diagnosed with 'borderline' hypothyroidism in April (though I have had symptoms for about three years) and given a prescription 50mcg of levothyroxine to take. Four months later and, if anything, I feel worse. My fatigue hasn't improved and just showering and doing my hair is enough to exhaust me for the rest of the day. I've noticed that it seems to come in 'waves'. At some points of the day I feel okay, I can function, but then the fatigue hits me like a train and I can't stay awake and I just feel terrible. I'm sure you all know the feeling I mean. Is it normal for it to come and go like that?
My memory is also shocking, it's a miracle if I can remember anything someone's asked me to do. I get that brain fog that seems to be a common symptom. There was a period just before it got really warm out that my feet were freezing cold 24/7, and more recently I've always waking up with pins and needles in my ring and little fingers which extends down my hands. Before it was just now and then it would happen.
I've also had really bad acne since starting levo. I haven't had it this bad since I was thirteen-ish? Even then it's usually just on my back but my face is absolutely covered. That's been really getting me down too.
My most recent blood test was about a month ago. And my TSH levels were fine, apparently. He didn't show me the results. So I'm still on the same dose of 50mcg, despite telling him I still feel absolutely horrendous - he just wasn't interested after seeing the blood work.
So I'm not really sure what to do now. I've been doing a lot of research this week and I'm trying to get my head around the other (limited) options that are available in the UK. It sounds like NDT would be really good for me but I'm 100% convinced my doctor a) wouldn't have a clue what that is and b) wouldn't prescribe it anyway. I remember him saying back in April that hypothyroidism is 'easily treatable'... yeah.
I'm going to be moving doctors soon anyway as my regular GPs are hardly ever in and I'm living in a different area now anyway.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm going back to college full time in September after taking a year off and I don't think I'll have the energy for it at this point. I can't take another year off. Should I see a private doctor? Keep pushing with my current GP? Are there any other options for medication?
I'm going to request for a copy of all my blood test results and if anyone thinks it'll help I can post them on here. Thanks and sorry for the essay!