Thyroid and tinnitus....: Hi all I was diagnosed... - Thyroid UK

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Thyroid and tinnitus....

mrspinkrat profile image
40 Replies

Hi all

I was diagnosed underactive last year and have been on 50mg levothyroxine ever since.

I've recently developed tinnitus in one ear - a constant high pitched ring.

I've been referred to ENT but my appt is not until the end of Aug - by which time I will have lost my mind!

I've read that T and thyroid problems can be linked.

My question is, is that because I'm taking too much levo or not enough?

My last blood test was 3.5


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mrspinkrat profile image
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40 Replies
shaws profile image

Definitely, not enough medication. 50mcg is a starting dose for many and your TSH is too high. If you email and ask for a copy of Dr Toft's Pulse Online article and question 6 you can highlight for your GP. Maybe send him a copy before your next appointment so he has time to study it and increase your medication.

It's amazing how many GPs think (wrongly) that it is o.k. to keep our TSH in the 'normal' range.

When you go for your next blood test, do not take your medication beforehand and have the test as early as possible, then take your medication. You take your meds with 1 glass of water and take supplements or other meds around 4 hours later.

Always get a print-out of your blood tests for your own records with the ranges. The ranges are important to enable members to comment as labs differ and you can post if you have any queries.

mrspinkrat profile image
mrspinkrat in reply toshaws

Thank you for your reply - it is very helpful!

Do you think the tinnitus is because I am under medicated?

in reply tomrspinkrat

Tinnitus can occur in both hyper and hypo states, but the nature of the tinnitus in either case, Is different I believe. With hypothyroidism tinnitus tends to be a continuous sound, with hyper it is usually associated with the heart rate ie pulsatilla in nature. But as Shaws says, it would appear from your TSH that you are under-meducated and hence, are hypothyroid.

in reply to

I've just re-read your post, and I've noted that it is with the ENT specialist that you have an appointment, not your GP. Since being diagnosed, you should have had six weekly blood tests and subsequent meetings with your GP to adjust your meds to the optimal level for you. If you haven't got an appt with your GP, irrespective of the ENT appt, arrange to see him and ask for a full set of thyroid tests (TSH, T4, T3 as a minimum) plus folate, Vit B12 Vit D and ferritin as they are often depleted if untreated for a period before diagnosis, or under medicated subsequently.

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to

my thyroid test was only fro TSH which at 3.2 was in range so gp said normal and wouldn't said if labs test TSH is normal they wont do T3 or T4.have tinnitus in right ear btu have hearing probs fro a long time-cant understand people who talk quietly,or are across the road from me and when at a performance at my local theatre recently could not hear a word of the songs etc-only what main characters were saying/singing cos htey had individual mikes.

in reply toanbuma

I'm the same with hearing, anbuma. I mishear the odd word or two in sentences, which makes for very interesting conversations lol.

The old " your TSH is normal so you are perfectly well" routine eh? So frustrating, and then GPs wonder why we self-medicate grrr.

Polyanna007 profile image
Polyanna007 in reply to


This is right on target from my years

Of nursing experience weekly

Repeat of tests here in the USA is usually but not always Recommended. To

Get true values.

You have nothing to loose and better

Health to gain if only peace of mind

Knowing true values


mrspinkrat profile image
mrspinkrat in reply to

I definitely have a continuous sound. It can vary in pitch and intensity but it is always there :(

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply tomrspinkrat

Just for your information, this link is informative. It is amazing how much we have to read in order to try to recover our health.

ceejayblue profile image
ceejayblue in reply tomrspinkrat

My OH has suffered with tinnitus for many years and had no problem coping with it until he was prescribed levothryoxine for his thyroid. Initially he was on 25mg a day and then the dose was gradually increased until just before we went on holiday in September last year the GP upped it to 100mg. Within days his tinnitus was so bad he was suicidal and totally unable to function properly .It almost ruined our holiday and made both of us feel so concerned about it all. I also have tinnitus but no thyroid problem so I knew what he was going through normally but this was totally different.

In October he saw the ENT specialist and was told he needed to have re-training therapy for the tinnitus and it possible could've been made worse by the levothyroxine. We looked up levothyroxine and it is on the list of 500 drugs (including some antibiotics and aspirin etc) that are classed as ototoxic and can cause severe problems for tinnitus sufferers and in some cases can cause it.

In January he had an MRI scan that showed an accoustic neuroma on his accoustic nerve which the Consultant (we previously saw the Registrar) said was probably the real reason for the exessive problems he had in the September. Although he did say there are many causes of tinnitus, illness, injury etc he did think the neuroma had exacerbated OH's tinnitus. Since then he's been to a hearing specialist who explained what tinnitus is and about habitualising the sounds with white noise generators. He has another appointment in September to make his decision whether to have one of them or not, he's been managing to habituablise it himself but may well give the generator a try.

He is currently taking no medication for his thyroid as his GP says his levels are not too bad - no idea why he was originally prescribed it, but they are keeping an eye on it and he will have another check in 6 months but he will not look forward to having a high dosage of levothyroxine any time soon1

helvella profile image

I have tinnitus. It does not seem to vary with the amount of levothyroxine I take. Some might suggest I lost my mind about forty years ago when my tinnitus started... :-) With luck, your tinnitus will resolve when your thyroid hormone level is just right - but it might not.

Your TSH (if reflecting your thyroid hormone level appropriately) definitely looks to indicate underdosing.

shaws is right.


Marz profile image

Also low B12 can cause this do have it checked. The result needs to be near the TOP of the range...

mrspinkrat profile image
mrspinkrat in reply toMarz

Hi Marz - I was checked for b12 and I was 'normal'.

However as I had 'taste' issues I decided to take b12 and vitamin D (as blood test showed vit D deficiency). It may be pure coincidence but the ringing started 2 days after starting both of these??

I've now stopped both as I'm scared of making the T worse :(

Marz profile image
Marz in reply tomrspinkrat

.....oh dear that is a shame. Do hope you find a solution. My hubby had tinnitus badly pre-diagnosis of Hashimotos. Now T3 only. He now has hearing aids which they sometimes use to block the tinnitus. I know it is a very frustrating condition so do take good care.... I am trying to work out why B12 and VitD would cause this most supplements take weeks to be of benefit.

tomoola profile image
tomoola in reply tomrspinkrat

Normal does not mean near the top of the range.

Ladywell profile image

RE: Tinnitus: I was taken off ERFAThyroid prescribed by Dr. Skinner last Christmas (had been on it around 2 yrs) during trip to California when it appeared to be causing very high BP spikes. Since then my bp is ok on one med but my Endo has kept me off all thyroid meds, despite a history of low thyroid, because I am once again testing 'normal' across a range of thyroid tests. But tinnitis that was mild in one ear before Christmas is now loud in both, my hair is once again falling out, weight is up, and other low thyroid symptoms are back. I'm in northern Scotland and in despair: where can I go to get all this properly managed? GP and Endo both mean well but toe the NHS line, and I can't face further battles... I so miss Dr.!

tree1963 profile image
tree1963 in reply toLadywell

Maybe you were on too high a dose of erfa? I am also in Scotland and I miss Dr. Skinners advice too.

lynnimp profile image
lynnimp in reply toLadywell

Hmm--the TSH is a false reading. If you have a reverse T3 issue, the TSH will look 'normal' or even suppressed. For instance, my former (very nice) GP took me off my T3/T4 combo therapy and upped me on T4 only - to disastrous effect, including high blood pressure and racing heart. I now get my T3 compounded from the US through an integrated physician I saw in MA -- but I also have a private doctor here (in Bristol) who I consult when necessary -- and she can get me those meds if need be. I'd suggest you google around for integrated practitioners up there -- and find someone to diagnose by your obvious symptoms. Good luck!!

shilling11 profile image
shilling11 in reply tolynnimp

Hi, I have just seen you post (although it's 9 months old!).

I live in Bath and need to consult someone regarding my thyroid issues.

Just been taken off of liquid thyroxine (due to cost) and put on Henning with is lactose free.

Tinnitus really bad now (after 8 days of taking it) and don't know where to go from here.

Is it possible to give me the name.

lynnimp profile image
lynnimp in reply toshilling11

I consult with Nicola Hembry ( who is in Clifton, Bristol. She GETS it. I still take a compounded T3 I get from the US --but Dr. Hembry has offered to write a private prescription if I ever needed it. I have had tinnitus in the past when I've been out of whack -- but it goes away when I'm stable-- as I am now. Good luck!!

shilling11 profile image
shilling11 in reply tolynnimp

Hi, Many thanks for that. I will contact her.

My GP in Bath is useless and it's such a struggle to find anyone in this area who understands about the thyroid (other than to prescribe Levo).

When I mention the tinnitus to my GP, the reply was - oh , yes it can be a problem, in fact a couple of my patients have jumped off of the clifton bridge where it got really bad!! Not really what you want to hear!!

So glad to hear that someone near me is actually up to date with current thinking and is happy to prescribe.

I will let you know how I get on.

Kind regards

Starfish123 profile image

I'm hypo and have tinnitus. Yes I thought id lose my mind, but I still here 5 years after it started. Go to your ENT appointment, they should check various levels etc. mine was my hearing levels had dropped. They did give me an MRI as like yours mine was one sided. They did get concerned over this. I was told they couldn't do anything other than refer me to the tinnitus clinic. I went there and was fitted with a hearing aid to wear during the day, it does help, I can almost forget the tinnitus during the day.

Now I think I have tinnitus both sides but one is just louder than the other.

If it's Levo related then I can't yet of had the correct amount as it's not gone away. I was diagnosed hypo years after the tinnitus started.

Do get you b12 also checked, mime was 300ish, which is lowish but supposedly ok.

I use a recording of sea noises to send me to sleep which came from the tinnitus clinic.

Good luck with trying to get rid of the tinnitus.

mrspinkrat profile image
mrspinkrat in reply toStarfish123

Thank you for the info. Is it an actual hearing aid you've been fitted with or a white noise generator? At the moment, I'd be more than happy to try a noise generator but what's getting me down is that I've still got almost 2 full months to wait before I even see anybody about this :(

I had b12 checked which was ok - but took it anyway and within 2 days of taking b12 and vit D, the ringing began! I'm too scared to take either now even though I'm vit D deficient :( xx

eeng profile image
eeng in reply tomrspinkrat

I get tinnitus when I am hypothyroid. I am well medicated now on 75mcg but if i run out of pills within 2 days the tinnitus is back. I get a low pitched hum which I am aware of when I try to sleep at night. I originally thought someone had left some electrical kit switched on. I still had tinnitus sometimes on 50mcg but it went as soon as I started taking 75mcg. My TSH needs to be well under 1 to get rid of it. I would definitely have tinnitus with a TSH of 3.5. Ask you doctor for a trial of a higher thyroxine dose and promise him you will be on the lookout for hyper symptoms.

Starfish123 profile image
Starfish123 in reply tomrspinkrat


It's an actual hearing aid. Now on my second one, I can vary sound level if needed and can use a loop at theatres etc, not that I've used it yet,

ceejayblue profile image
ceejayblue in reply toStarfish123

My OH uses sounds under his pillow at night to help him habitualise his tinnitus. Its certainly helped.

hoolahoop profile image

another one here who is hypo and with Tinnitus. I'm taking 75mg of levothyroxine and a low dose of amlodipine for bp. I'm 66 and otherwise in good health. I had a very mild T for a long time such that I didnt even recognise it as such and it never bothered me at all. Then, following a visit to a shooting range about 4 years ago (long story - holiday in Vietnam - VC tunnels and shooting range visit - 'try an AK47' etc etc) where I didnt wear hearing protection the gun blasts temporarily deafened me and upped the T to significant levels. This was around about the time I went onto levothyroxine (inc other drugs I have since stopped) so I do often wonder whether its all connected in some way. However its potentially a bit more complicated in my case because I'm also diabetic (no meds yet, just good diet control/exercise etc).

One thing I do notice with T is that stimulants seem to increase it. By stimulants I mean coffee and alcohol.

This is a long shot hoolahoop, but if coffee and alcohol - is it wine? - increase your tinnitus, have a web search on salicylates/tinnitus. May be worth cutting salicylates down as far as possible for four weeks, maybe try supplementing molybendum aas well nd seeing if there is an improvement.

My son has tinnitus, pusatile, has been to clinics, I would say this is a condition on which science has little clue. It is associated with iron deficiency anemia, so worth checking for all the nutrients which might help there, try researching methylB12 and methylfolate into the bargain. If there is inflammation anywhere, and it can be hidden, the body will restrict the absorption of iron.

Also, do you have any problems ever with a jaw clicking out of place, or upper neck vertebrae moving slightly? These have also been associated with tinnitus. My son, who has many of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism but his TSH is fine, has had a "subluxed" jaw and his tinnitus is worse on the side where the jaw seems still v slightly out. Seeing the dentist soon, but as we all know, experts have very few answers.

Please if anyone finds any improvements or answers, post.

lynnimp profile image

I have suffered from tinnitus periodically -- and I associate it with my Hashimoto's. Tinnitus seems to have some relationship to migraine as well. I identify it as one of the niggling symptoms that tell me I'm a bit off. Thyroid meds must be increased slowly. In the US, where I was initially diagnosed and stabilised, I was only increased 5 a time, every six weeks. Once you're stable you may find it backs off. It's not a quick process. I will sometimes use a recording of ocean waves on my iPod to drown it out and send me of to sleep. Good luck!

getalifechuck profile image

Hi mrspinkrat,

My father had been born with tinnitus and he has many onset health complications including an under active thyroid.

There was a link forum posted on questions related to medication given for T4 and T3 thyroid issues. This is the link

Some relevant information which caught my attention was that they recommended that you crush your medication as the lower intestine will be able to absorb the medication easier. The dosage which your on, I would not increase it until you give this a trial period. Please have a look at the forum and also they may have answers that concern your present condition.

MissCC profile image

Hi mrspinkrat, I do know that many, many symptoms are related to hormones / imbalances ( peri/menopause can be the onset of symptoms) , and this can effect the adrenals and thyroid gland . I have had a slew of symptoms , ear problems being one. It was only in one ear , and I also had several years I battled with some vertigo and 24/7 dizziness. I was diagnosed as hypothyroid but chose to not take any synthetic drugs ( due to their side effects). I would suggest to have a blood spot panel as well as saliva / adrenal testing done, so you get a total picture of exactly what imbalances may be going on in your body ; since just being put on a thyroid drug may be causing other imbalances in your body. We really must educate ourselves and not blindly trust someone else with our health. Good luck !

mrspinkrat profile image

That is worrying ceehayblue - hope things are improving for him now.

What I don't understand is why this has all started AFTER being diagnosed and treated for hypothyroidism?

It's interesting that levothyroxine is on the list of meds that can cause tinnitus.

Now I'm unsure whether to try to ask for an increase or to stop taking it altogether!! :(

mrspinkrat profile image

Hi all

I just wanted to update you all.

I've managed to get an increase in my levothyroxine so am now on 75mg daily. I understand it takes some weeks to adjust so will keep you posted as to whether my tinnitus lessens or stays the same!

Thank you for all your comments and support - you helped me through a difficult time xx

mrspinkrat profile image

Hi all - I've got another post running re this but don't seem to be able to comment on it for some reason?

Anyway, to update you, I've been on the increased dose for 2 months and although my TSH levels are now lower, I'm still suffering with quite awful tinnitus :(

I've had an MRI - results due next week.

After that, I'm not sure where to turn?

A further increase of Levo, stop it altogether, stop the b12?

I don't know and I'm fed up :(

Thank you all for you comments though - I'm going to have a re-read of all the information to try and get to the bottom of this before it destroys me completely!

dgleds profile image

I know this is an old post...

Im hypothyroid for many years now....On meds my thyroid stayed pretty level, until menopause time(on synthroid)...I kept getting slightly over medicated, but things seemed ok and they left it....Then things got really whacky for a bit, and they played with my synthroid levels...4 years ago i woke up one morning with a blocked feeling in my left ear, and the doctors had a bit of freak out, and put me on steroids (Yuk)....No one even mentioned tinnitus, and there was a sound....I was sent to an ENT and he wasnt sure, sent me for an MRI (Nothing there)...He did a CRP test and there was inflammation on that blood test...But regular GP just blew it off...Later i ended up seeing a rhumetologist, cause they thought lupus...2 years on those meds (Plaquinil)..I dont think i have lupus...and that doctor said its just not very Anywho, 4 years later i have the ear thing again...I went to emerg in another town as i was away, he just gave me ENT drops (I think they have steroids in them)...Im slightly over medicated on synthroid again...BUT, i have noticed something..its a chicken /egg thing ,which comes first?...I went on a diet and lost 18 pounds over like 6 months, and a similar thing happened last time 4 years ago...IM wondering if when i lose weight, it makes my meds then become too strong of strength for me? The Gp keep getting moved around for few years there, so no continuation in my consultation...But maybe not lupus after all, just diet, and maybe old lady hormones etc...Try to explain that to a GP....Seems i lose weight, then im over medicated a bit, then the block feeling, and ringing starts..or swooshing, or boom box stereo bass sound...I dont lose weight fast, but i think the GP thinks im losing casue im over medicated....i think other way around...i lose weight and become over medicated...meds too high at that point argggg...I would have kept weight off first time, but buggas put me on flippin steroids...

jacrjacr profile image
jacrjacr in reply todgleds

you are right....losing weight does make you need less meds is what my dr said....

dgleds profile image
dgleds in reply tojacrjacr

Thanks jacrjacr...:)

Jaylou82 profile image

Hi, I have multi nodular grotire, had it since 19, now 34. Since my pregnancy with my son 3 years ago it grew very large, along with this I got extrem tinnitus and high pitch noises in my ear, which doctor said was a cold coming on. 6 months later I went completely deaf. I've never had a earache or ear infection in my life. I've now suffered with this for 4 years 😔 It drive you mad but I learnt how to drown it out most of the time. ive now found on other groups that this is common with thyroid issues. Just don't be fobbed off with it could be because a previous cold or on coming cold. Really do hope you don't suffer like me.

Jaylou82 profile image

Sorry just wanted to add that my doctor has never checked my levels or had any test carried out for my thyroid since being diagnosed all those years ago. I was young and didn't know much about it till recently when I've started looking up. Now I'm going to see a ENT in a few weeks who have adviced for me to have a total removal of my thyroid due to the size it has grown, assume other test will be carried out to check its all ok and not anything nasty in there

Caroline_261 profile image

This is really interesting as I have had tinnitus for as long as I remember although not diagnosed as I have never mentioned it to the doctor. It was only about 5 years ago that I realised the sounds I hear are not normal! In the past year the tinnitus has worsened and I have a constant sound in my left ear which is a kind of persistent buzzing. I put this down to the fact that I have a prolapsed septum but as I also have underactive thyroid, which I have had for about 20 years now I wonder if it's related.

I am having my annual blood test today although my GP never gives me the results - they always just say "everything's fine". I am on 125mg and have been for around 18 of the 20 years.

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